
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:04:06百科



capital punishment

Penalty of death imposed on a criminal convicted of a serious crime. In 18th-century England, hundreds of specific offenses, including many against property, carried a sentence of death. The writings of Enlightenment thinkers, the rise of the industrial working class, and humanitarian movements stimulated reform. By the 1970s many countries had eliminated capital punishment. In 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled capital-punishment laws, as then enforced, unconstitutional, but a later ruling found the death penalty per se to be constitutional. Today the U.S. is the only Western industrialized nation that permits capital punishment, but twelve states and the District of Columbia bar it. Advocates maintain that it deters crime. They claim that life imprisonment is not as effective and exposes other prisoners and (in the event of escape or parole) members of society at large to dangerous criminals. Opponents maintain that the death penalty has never been proved to be an effective deterrent, that errors sometimes lead to the execution of innocent persons, and that capital punishment is applied unequally, mostly to the poor and members of racial minorities.


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