
杂烩百科2023-02-02 15:54:02百科


语言的总科,包括中国民族语言与藏缅语族(Tibeto-Burman family)两个分支。藏缅语族为数百个差异甚大的口说语言的集合体,约六千五百万人使用,涵盖地区由巴基斯坦北部,东到越南,由西藏高原(Tibetan plateau)到南边马来半岛(Malay Peninsula)。藏缅语族包括藏语(Tibetan)、藏语群(Bodish)与喜玛拉雅语(Himalayan languages),主要使用於尼泊尔。印度东北的藏缅语族有泊度嘎罗语(Bodo-Garo languages,使用於阿萨姆)与那加兰的北部那加语;可能与其有关的是使用於缅甸北部的金浦(Jinghpaw)。库契金(Kuki-Chin)与南那加语使用於东印度、孟加拉东部与缅甸西部。中部藏缅语族主要使用於印度的阿鲁纳恰尔邦以及於与中国、缅甸交接的地区,包括锡金的官方语言雷布查语(Lepcha)。东北藏缅语族涵盖使用於中国四川西部与云南西北部的异种语群。以及一个地理范围广阔的子群缅罗罗(Burmese-Lolo),为缅甸的国语。罗罗语(Loloish languages)包括云南彝或罗罗的口语,以及数个散播在云南与部分东南亚的语言,如拉祜(Lahu)与阿卡(Akha)。克伦语(Karen)使用於缅甸与泰国的克伦,形成独特的子群。藏语与缅甸语是唯一具有长远文学传统的藏缅语。缅甸语采用了孟(Mon)书写字母(参阅Mon-Khmer languages)。大多数藏缅语具有音位声调与凝结构词。

Sino-Tibetan languages

Superfamily of languages whose two branches are the Sinitic or Chinese languages and the Tibeto-Burman family, an assemblage of several hundred very diverse languages spoken by about 65 million people from northern Pakistan east to Vietnam, and from the Tibetan plateau south to the Malay Peninsula. western Tibeto-Burman languages include Tibetan and the Bodish and Himalayan languages, spoken mainly in Nepal. Tibeto-Burman languages of northeastern India include the Bodo-Garo languages (spoken in Assam) and the northern Naga languages of Nagaland; perhaps allied to these is Jinghpaw, spoken in northern Myanmar. Kuki-Chin and southern Naga languages are spoken in eastern India, eastern Bangladesh, and western Myanmar. Central Tibeto-Burman languages are spoken mainly in Arunachal Pradesh in India and in adjacent parts of China and Myanmar; they include Lepcha, an official language of Sikkim. northeastern Tibeto-Burman comprises a heterogeneous group of languages spoken in western Sichuan and northwestern Yunnan in China. Burmese-Lolo, a geographically wide-ranging subgroup, includes Burmese, the national language of Myanmar (Burma). Loloish languages include the speech of the Yi or Lolo of Yunnan as well as several languages spread over Yunnan and parts of S.East Asia, including Lahu and Akha. Karen, spoken by the Karen of Myanmar and Thailand, forms a distinct subgroup. Tibetan and Burmese are the only Tibeto-Burman languages with long literary traditions. Burmese is written in an adaptation of the Mon script (see Mon-Khmer languages). Most Tibeto-Burman languages have phonemic tone and agglutinative morphology.

本文标签: 汉藏诸语言  


