
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:58:59百科


Bush, George (Herbert Walker)

美国第四十一任总统(1989~1993),生於麻萨诸塞州的密尔顿。美国参议员普雷斯科德.布希(Prescott Bush)之子。第二次世界大战期间在军中服役。自耶鲁大学毕业後,迁往德州开始其石油事业。1966~1970年担任共和党众议员。後来分别担任驻联合国大使(1971~1972)、美国驻北京联络处主任(1974~1976)、中央情报局局长(1976~1977)。1980年参加竞选共和党总统候选人提名,但败给雷根,最後与雷根搭档,成为雷根的副总统(1984~1988)。後击败杜凯吉斯,成为总统。他对雷根的政策未作巨幅改变。1989年下令对巴拿马进行短暂的军事入侵,推翻巴拿马领导人诺瑞加将军。1990年伊拉克入侵和占领科威特,布希领导了由联合国批准的全世界对伊拉克的禁运,以迫使伊拉克撤出科威特。当伊拉克拒绝後,他又发动波斯湾战争,由空中发动攻击。他的经济政策使得他声望下降,导致他在1992年的总统大选中败给柯林顿。他的儿子小布希在1994年当选德州州长,2000年当选美国总统。另一个儿子杰布.布希(Jeb Bush)在1998年当选佛罗里达州州长。


Bush, George (Herbert Walker)

41st president of the U.S. (1989-93). Born in Milton, Massachusetts, the son of Prescott Bush, later U.S. senator from Connecticut, he served in World War II, graduated from Yale University, and started an oil business in Texas. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives 1966-70 as a Republican. He then served as ambassador to the UN (1971-72), chief of liaison to China (1974-76), and head of the CIA (1976-77). In 1980 he ran for president but lost the nomination to Ronald Reagan. He served as vice president with Reagan (1981-88), whom he succeeded as president, defeating Michael Dukakis. He made no dramatic departures from Reagan's policies. In 1989 he ordered a brief military invasion of Panama, which toppled that country's leader, General Manuel Noriega. He helped impose a UN-approved embargo against Iraq in 1990 to force its withdrawal from Kuwait. When Iraq refused, he authorized a U.S.-led air offensive that began the Persian Gulf War. Despite general approval of his foreign policy, an economic recession led to his defeat by William Jefferson Clinton in 1992. His son George W. Bush was elected governor of Texas in 1994 and president of the U.S. in 2000. Another son, Jeb Bush, was elected governor of Florida in 1998.

本文标签: 布希  


