特殊教育(special education)
对有特殊需要的学生(包括身体残疾和智力发展迟缓者)的教育。对盲童教育的首倡者是阿维(V. Hauy),他於1784年在巴黎开办了一所专门学校,其後布拉耶(L. Braille)继续阿维的努力。教育聋人的尝试开始得必阿维早,但直到希尔(F. M. Hill, 1802~1874)提出了口授教育法,聋人教育才真正建立起来。标准化手语的发展进一步推展了聋人教育。伊塔尔(J.-M.-G. Itard, 1775~1838)对「阿韦龙的野男孩」的教育标志着试图用科学的方法教育智力迟钝的儿童的开始。伊塔尔的工作对後来的理论家,如塞甘(E. Seguin)、蒙特梭利,有很大的影响。现在,具有行动能力缺陷的孩子一旦被认为适用特殊教育,通常是被编入设有轮椅和改良型课桌的常规班级;而具有学习障碍和言语困难的孩子,则需要专门的技术来进行教育,这些方法通常是建立在个人基础之上的。对那些具有社会交际和情感问题的孩子,可能需要提供特殊的治疗和临床服务。
English version:
special education
Education for students (such as the physically disabled or mentally retarded) with special needs. An early proponent of education for the blind was Valentin Haüy, who opened a school in Paris in 1784; his efforts were followed by those of Louis Braille. Attempts to educate deaf children predate Haüy, but not until Friedrich Moritz Hill (1805-1874) developed an oral method of instruction did teaching to the deaf become established. The development of standardized sign languages further advanced instruction of the deaf. Scientific attempts to educate mentally retarded children began with the efforts of Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard (1775-1838) to train a feral child known as the Wild Boy of Aveyron; Itard's work influenced such later theorists as édouard Séguin (1812-1880) and Maria Montessori. Children with motor disabilities, once considered subjects for special education, are today usually integrated into the standard classroom, often by means of wheelchairs and modified desks. Children with learning disabilities and speech problems usually require specialized techniques, often on an individual basis. For children with social and emotional problems, special therapeutic and clinical services may be provided.