蒙古(Mongolia),亦称外蒙古(Outer Mongolia)。
English version:
Country (pop., 1997 est.: 2,370,000), northern central Asia, between Russia and China. Area: 604,800 sq mi (1,566,500 sq km). Capital: Ulaanbaatar. Almost four-fifths of the population are Mongols; minorities consist of Kazaks, Russians, and Chinese. Languages: Khalkha Mongolian, Turkic languages, Russian, Chinese. Religions: Tantric Buddhism (Lamaism) 96%; Islam. Currency: tugrik. Mongolia averages an elevation of about 5,200 ft (1,580 m) above sea level. Three mountain ranges stretch across the north and west: the Altai, the Hangayn (Khangai), and the Hentiyn (Khentei). The south and east are occupied by the Gobi Desert. Livestock raising, especially sheep raising, accounts for about 70% of the total value of agricultural production; wheat is the major crop. Mongolia's rich mineral resources include coal, iron ore, and tin. It is a republic with one legislative house; its chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. In Neolithic times it was inhabited by small groups of hunters and nomads. During the 3rd century BC it became the center of the Xiongnu empire. Turks held sway in the 4th-10th century AD. In the early 13th century Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes and conquered central Asia. His successor, Ogodei, conquered the Jin (Chin) dynasty of China in 1234. Kublai Khan established the Yuan, or Mongol, dynasty in China in 1279. After the 14th century, the Ming dynasty of China confined the Mongols to their original homeland in the steppes. Ligdan Khan (r. 1604-34) united Mongol tribes in defense against the Manchu, but after his death, the Mongols became part of the Chinese Qing (Ch'ing) dynasty. Inner Mongolia was incorporated into China in 1644. After the fall of the Manchu dynasty in 1912, Mongol princes, supported by Russia, declared Mongolia's independence from China, and in 1921 Russian forces helped drive off the Chinese. The Mongolian People's Republic was established in 1924, and was recognized by China in 1946. The nation adopted a new constitution in 1992 and shortened its name to Mongolia.
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