
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:56:34百科


一类纸牌游戏,游戏者打赌自己手中的牌的值大於其他人的。每个跟进的游戏者必须或者等於或者提高赌注,否则就退出,赌局最後持有最高牌值的玩家获胜。发展出了两种主要的规则:暗式与明式;前者中五张牌标准的玩家拿的所有牌都面向下放置;後者中一张或两张牌向下放置,其余的向上(五张牌类)或是最後一张向下,其余的向上(七张牌类)。在平?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/223/312075.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>制丝伺浦校瓶梢苑牌硗饪寄门啤M婕掖车姆旨妒牵?)同花顺(同一花色的按次序排列的五张牌,最高的顺序--A、K、Q、J、10--叫做同花大顺),(2)相同的四张,(3)满堂红(三张相同的牌,加一对),(4)同花(一个花色的五张牌),(5)顺字(按顺序排列的五张牌),(6)三张同样的牌,(7)两对,(8)一对。类似的五张牌的游戏从16世纪起就在欧洲进行;法国扑克游戏在18世纪由法国殖民者带入路易斯安那,19世纪早期传向北部和西部。


Any of several card games in which a player bets that the value of his or her hand is greater than that of the hands held by others. Each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out, and the player holding the highest hand at the end of the betting wins the pot. Two principal forms have developed: straight poker, in which all cards of the standard five-card hand are dealt facedown; and stud poker, in which one or two cards are dealt facedown and the rest faceup (five-card) or the last card down (seven-card). In draw poker, cards may be discarded and additional cards drawn. The traditional ranking of hands is (1) straight flush (five cards of the same suit in sequence, the highest sequence—ace-king-queen-jack-ten—being called a royal flush), (2) four of a kind, (3) full house (three of a kind, plus a pair), (4) flush (five of a single suit), (5) straight (five in sequence), (6) three of a kind, (7) two pair, (8) one pair. Similar five-card games were played in Europe from the 16th century; the French game Poque was brought to Louisiana by French settlers in the 18th century and moved north and west in the early 19th century.

本文标签: 扑克牌戏  


