
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:48:52百科


产妇将胎儿从子宫产出的过程,妊娠随之结束。可分为三个阶段:第一阶段为开口期,开始时阵缩间歇期20~30分钟,持续40秒,发作时伴腰痛,随着产程的进展,阵缩加强,间歇缩短至3分钟。当阵缩推挤胎儿时,子宫颈逐渐张开。本期持续时间较长,初产妇约13~14小时,经产妇所需时间较短。子宫颈开全後,便开始娩出期。羊水流出(如果它还未流出的话),产妇往往进行积极的努力。这一过程持续1~2小时或更短。正常情况下,婴儿的头应先出现,如果是其他部位就会使生产更加困难和危险。在第三阶段,胎盘从子宫壁剥离,该过程不超过15分钟。产後6~8周为产褥期,此时产妇的生殖系统大部分复原或接近复原。亦请参阅cesarean section、lactation、midwifery、miscarriage、natural childbirth、obstetrics and gynecology、premature birth。


orchildbirthorlaborordeliveryProcess of bringing forth a child from the uterus, ending pregnancy. It has three stages. In dilation, uterine contractions lasting about 40 seconds begin 20-30 minutes apart, and progress to severe labor pains about every three minutes. The opening of the cervix widens as contractions push the fetus. Dilation averages 13-14 hours in first-time mothers, less if a woman has had previous babies. When the cervix dilates fully, expulsion begins. The “water” (amniotic sac) breaks (if it has not already), and the woman may actively push. Expulsion lasts 1-2 hours or less. Normally, the baby's head emerges first; other positions make birth more difficult and risky. In the third stage, the placenta is expelled, usually within 15 minutes. Within six to eight weeks, the mother's reproductive system returns to nearly the prepregnancy state. See also cesarean section, lactation, midwifery, miscarriage, natural childbirth, obstetrics and gynecology, premature birth.


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