
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:48:29百科


提供住宿、餐饮等各项商业性质服务给旅客的建筑物。人类社会自古代就有客栈(Inn)的存在,用以服务商人及其他旅行者(例如罗马帝国时代的道路系统沿线)。中古欧洲的修道院在危险地区也会经营客栈,以保障来往旅客有个避难休息之处。十八世纪马车旅行渐多,加上後来的工业革命,大幅刺激了客栈的发展。到了铁路时代,以享乐为目的的旅行开始流行,才造成了现代旅馆的出现,大型旅馆通常也都盖在火车站附近。1889年开幕的伦敦萨伏依旅馆(Savoy Hotel),使用了独特的电气化设备及服务,为现代旅馆奠下新标准;而1908年开幕的美国纽约州水牛城(Buffalo, N.Y.)史特勒旅馆(Statler Hotel),提供了更高等级的商务客房服务,则是旅馆发展的另一个里程碑。第第二次世界大战之後,新设的旅馆普遍大型化,很多并设在机场附近。连锁式旅馆也开始普及,使得采购、销售及预约都更有效率。现在的旅馆大致有三种类型:过境式旅馆;休闲式旅馆,主要是供度假旅客使用;以及住宿型旅馆,是一种提供餐宿服务的公寓式建筑。亦请参阅motel。


Building that provides lodging, meals, and other services to the traveling public on a commercial basis. Inns have existed since ancient times (e.g., along the Roman road system during the Roman Empire) to serve merchants and other travelers. Medieval European monasteries operated inns to guarantee haven for travelers in dangerous regions. The spread of travel by stagecoach in the 18th century stimulated the development of inns, as did the Industrial Revolution. The modern hotel was largely the result of the railroads; when traveling for pleasure became widely popular, large hotels were often built near railroad stations. In 1889 the Savoy Hotel in London set a new standard, with its own electricity and a host of special services; the Statler Hotel in Buffalo, N.Y. (1908), another landmark, catered to the growing class of business travelers. After World War II, new hotels tended to be larger and were often built near airports. Hotel chains became common, making purchasing, sales, and reservations more efficient. Hotels fall into three categories: transient hotels; resort hotels, intended primarily for vacationers; and residential hotels, essentially apartment buildings offering room and meal service. See also motel.


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