
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:45:55百科


美国东北部一州。美国新英格兰地区一州,面积约24,033平方公里。首府为康科特。西部以康乃狄克河与佛蒙特州为界。中部为怀特山脉,包括高耸的华盛顿山。1623年首批英国人在朴次茅斯附近定居时,当地的原住民主要是阿尔冈昆印第安人部落(参阅Algonquian languages)。1641年後这里一度属麻萨诸塞殖民政府管理,自1679年起成为一块单独的皇家殖民地。1776年它是第一个向英国宣布独立的殖民地。美国成立後,当地的发展加快。农业繁盛,制造业在沿河地区发展起来。朴次茅斯成为一个主要的造船基地。目前该州的经济以制造业与旅游为主,尽管乳品业和花岗岩建材行业也很重要。由於该州最早在国内举行总统预选,对许多总统候选人来说它提供了第一个预测胜出机率的场地。达特茅斯学院和新罕布夏大学是闻名全国的两所大学。人口约1,173,000(1997)。

New Hampshire

State (pop., 1997 est.: 1,173,000), northeastern U.S. One of the New England states, it covers 9,279 sq mi (24,033 sq km); its capital is Concord. The Connecticut River forms its western boundary with Vermont. The White Mountains in its central part, contain Mount Washington. The region was inhabited by Algonquian Indian tribes (see Algonquian languages) when the first English people settled near Portsmouth in 1623. The area came under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts in 1641 and became a separate crown colony in 1679. It was the first colony to declare its independence from Britain in 1776. Following the nation's establishment, the state grew rapidly. Agriculture flourished and manufacturing developed along the rivers. Portsmouth became a major shipbuilding center. The economy is now based primarily on manufacturing and tourism, although dairy farming and granite quarrying are also important. Because it holds the nation's earliest presidential primary, it has furnished the first testing ground for many candidacies. Dartmouth and the University of New Hampshire are two of the state's prominent educational institutions.

本文标签: 新罕布夏  


