
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:43:11百科


分析和阐述财富的生产、分配和消费的社会科学。经济学为研究个体或社会如何选择、运用资源的一门学科,诸如该生产何种物品及提供何种服务、要如何将之生产及将之散播放社会成员之中。经济学通常分为个体经济学(microeconomics)和总体经济学(macroeconomics)两大类。总体经济学侧重於经济成长率、通货膨胀率及失业率。特殊领域的经济调查则为不同经济活动提供解决之道,包括农业经济学(agricultural economics)、经济发展、经济史(economic history)、环境经济学(environmental economics)、工业组织(industrial organization)、国际贸易(international trade)、劳动经济学(labor economics)、货币供给和银行业务(banking)、公共财政(public finance)、城市经济(ruban economics)以及福利经济学(welfare economics)等。数理经济学(mathematical economics)及计量经济学的专家提供了所有经济学家得以利用的工具。经济学的研究范围与其他学科交叠的情况经常发生,如历史、数学(mathematics)、政治学(political science)及社会学(sociology)


Social science that analyzes and describes the consequences of choices made concerning scarce productive resources. Economics is the study of how individuals and societies choose to employ those resources: what goods and services will be produced, how they will be produced, and how they will be distributed among the members of society. Economics is customarily divided into microeconomics and macroeconomics. Of major concern to macroeconomists are the rate of economic growth, the inflation rate, and the rate of unemployment. Specialized areas of economic investigation attempt to answer questions on a variety of economic activity; they include agricultural economics, economic development, economic history, environmental economics, industrial organization, international trade, labor economics, money supply and banking, public finance, urban economics, and welfare economics. Specialists in mathematical economics and econometrics provide tools used by all economists. The areas of investigation in economics overlap with many other disciplines, notably history, mathematics, political science, and sociology.


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本文标签: 经济学  


