
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:43:05百科


正式名称摩洛哥王国(Kingdom of Morocco)

阿拉伯语作Al-Mamlakah al-Maghribiyah

非洲西北部国家。面积458,730平方公里。人口约29,237,000(2001,包括西撒哈拉)。首都︰拉巴特。阿拉伯化的柏柏尔人是该国最大的语言文化群体,法国人、西班牙人和贝都因人占少数。语言︰阿拉伯语(官方语)、柏柏尔语。宗教︰伊斯兰教(国教),大多数为逊尼派。货币︰迪拉姆(DH)。摩洛哥境多山,平均海拔800公尺。北部沿岸为里夫山脉,中部为阿特拉斯山脉;图卜卡勒山(Mt. Toubkal)海拔4,165公尺,为摩洛哥最高峰。摩洛哥位於强地震活动带,是地震多发区。肥沃的低地有助於农业发展,主要作物有大麦、小麦和甜菜。摩洛哥为世界最大的磷酸盐岩供应国。卡萨布兰加为该国工业中心,亦是最大的城市。政府形式为君主立宪,两院制。国家元首暨政府首脑为国王,由总理辅佐。

柏柏尔人大约在西元前2千纪末期进入摩洛哥。西元前12世纪期间,腓尼基人在地中海沿岸建立贸易站。西元前5世纪迦太基在其大西洋沿岸设有殖民地,迦太基衰亡後,摩洛哥成为罗马帝国的忠实盟友。西元46年被罗马吞并,成为茅利塔尼亚省的一部分。7世纪时穆斯林侵入摩洛哥。11世纪中叶,阿尔摩拉维德人(参阅Almoravid dynasty)征服了摩洛哥,并统治西班牙各穆斯林地区。12世纪阿尔摩哈德人(参阅Almohad dynasty)推翻阿尔摩拉维德人。13世纪马里尼德人(参阅Marinid dynasty)征服该地区,15世纪中叶马里尼德人衰亡後,直到1550年,萨迪人(Sa'di)统治该地区达一个世纪之久。与巴贝里海岸沿岸诸国的联合,迫使欧洲人进入该地区:法国越过阿尔及利亚边境攻打摩洛哥,英国在1856年获得贸易权,西班牙於1859年占领部分摩洛哥领地。1912年起成为法国的保护国,直到1956年独立。1970年代後期,摩洛哥重申对西属撒哈拉的领土主权(参阅Western Sahara);1976年西班牙军队撤离该地区,留下阿尔及利亚支持的撒哈拉游击队玻里沙利欧阵线(Polisario Front)。阿尔及利亚和茅利塔尼亚的关系恶化,使该地区的战事一直持续到1990年代末,联合国试图解决其争端。


ArabicAl-Mamlakah al-MaghribiyahCountry, North Africa. Area: 177,117 sq mi (458,730 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 27,220,000. Capital: Rabat. Arabized Berbers are the country's largest ethnolinguistic group; there are French, Spanish, and Bedouin minorities. Languages: Arabic (official), Berber. Religion: Islam (official), mostly Sunni. Currency: dirham. Morocco is a mountainous country with an average elevation of 2,600 ft (800 m) above sea level. The Er Rif runs along the northern coast; the Atlas Mtns. rise in the nation's center, and include Mount Toubkal (13,665 ft, or 4,165 m), the country's highest peak. The area is a zone of severe seismic activity, and earthquakes are frequent. Its fertile lowlands support agriculture; major crops include barley, wheat, and sugar beets. Morocco is the world's largest supplier of phosphate. The nation's industrial center is Casablanca, its largest city. It is a constitutional monarchy with one legislative house; its chief of state and head of government is the king, assisted by the prime minister. The Berbers entered Morocco near the end of the 2nd millennium BC. Phoenicians established trading posts along the Mediterranean during the 12th century BC, and Carthage had settlements along the Atlantic in the 5th century BC. After the fall of Carthage, Morocco became a loyal ally of Rome, and in 46 AD it was annexed by Rome as part of the province of Mauretania. It was invaded by Muslims in the 7th century. The Almoravids conquered it and the Muslim areas of Spain in the mid-11th century; in the 12th century the Almohads overthrew the Almoravids. They in turn were conquered by the Marinids in the 13th century. After the fall of the Marinids in the mid-15th century, the Sa'dis ruled for a century after 1550. Association with the Barbary Coast states compelled Europeans to enter the area: the French fought Morocco over the Algerian boundary, Britain obtained trading rights in 1856, and the Spanish seized part of Moroccan territory in 1859. It was a French protectorate from 1912 until its independence in 1956. In the late 1970s it reasserted claim to the Spanish Sahara (see Western Sahara), and in 1976 Spanish troops withdrew from the region, leaving behind the Algerian-supported Saharan guerrillas of the Polisario Front. Relations with Mauritania and Algeria deteriorated, and fighting over the region continued into the 1990s. As the decade wore on, the U.N. tried to solve the dispute.


  • 摩洛哥梅克内斯的历史沿革专项地理
  • 摩洛哥,南部马拉喀什的历史沿革专项地理
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