法律上指人占有的东西。财产的概念在不同的文化中有不同的含意。在西方社会,通常被认为是可以有形(如土地和货物),也可以无形的(如股份、债券或专利)。西方强调财产个人所有权,而许多非西方的社会则不强调或被认为是公众所有的。财产的使用在西方得到广泛的规范。在英美法系国家中,土地所有者的利益如被毗邻的土地使用而受到妨害,那他可以起诉。相似的法令在民法国家中也存在。在西方,财产可以透过不同的手段获得。「占有」使个人能成为先前非自己的或他人财产的所有人。而更广义的占有财产还包括从以前的主人手中转让到自己手中。这样的转让包括出售、捐赠和遗产继承。亦请参阅adverse possession、community property、easement、intellectual property、prescription、real and personal property。
English version:
In law, something that is owned or possessed. Concepts of property vary widely among cultures. In Western society, it is generally regarded as either tangible (e.g., land or goods) or intangible (e.g., stocks and bonds or a patent). Individual ownership of property is emphasized in the West, whereas in many non-Western societies property ownership is de-emphasized or conceived on a more strictly communal basis. The use of property is extensively regulated throughout the West. Landowners injured by adjoining land uses may sue in nuisance in the Anglo-American countries; similar actions exist in civil-law countries. Throughout the West, property may be acquired in various ways. “Occupancy” allows one to become the owner of property formerly not owned by anyone. A far more common means of acquiring property is by transfer from the previous owner or owners. Such transfers include sales, donations, and inheritance. See also adverse possession, community property, easement, intellectual property, prescription, real and personal property.
- 根据《烟花爆竹安全管理条例》,在禁止燃放烟花爆竹的时间、地点燃放烟花爆竹,或者以危害公共安全和人身、财产安全的方式燃放烟花爆竹的,由()责令停止燃放。法律题库
- 根据《烟花爆竹安全管理条例》,燃放烟花爆竹,应当按照燃放说明燃放,不得以危害0和人身、财产安全的方式燃放烟花爆竹。法律题库
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- 根据《民法典》,自然人可以依法立遗嘱处分个人财产,并可以指定()。法律题库
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