
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:40:26百科


Spanish Civil War

反对西班牙政府的军事叛乱。1936年的一系列选举产生了一个主要受左翼政党支持的人民阵线政府後,西班牙全国的驻军城镇发生武装暴动,由反叛的国民军为首,支持者包括教士、军队和地主阶层中的保守派以及法西斯主义长枪党。由社会党人拉尔戈.卡瓦列罗(F. Largo Caballero)和内格林(J. Negrin, 1894~1956)担任总理的共和政府以及自由派的共和国总统阿萨尼亚(M. Azana y Diaz)则受到工人、许多受过教育的中产阶级以及好斗的无政府主义者和共产党人的支持。共和政府的军队扑灭了大部分地区的反叛,但西北与西南的部分地区被国民军控制并任命佛朗哥为国家元首。双方都在各自控制的区域内镇压反对者,超过五万受怀疑的人被处决或暗杀。国民军从国外争取支持,接纳了来自纳粹德国和义大利的军队、坦克和飞机;德国和义大利则乘机将西班牙当成新的坦克战和空战的试验场。共和军主要接受来自苏联的援助,由志愿者组成的国际纵队也加入了共和军这一边。双方展开血腥的消耗战,国民军逐渐夺占地盘,1938年4月成功地从东到西将西班牙切成两半,迫使二十五万共和军逃入法国,剩余的共和军於1939年3月投降。共产党人和反共人员各自盘踞的马德里於3月28日落入国民军之手。死於内战的人数大约有五十万人,并在西班牙人心中留下深深的创伤。战争的结束带来了一段独裁的历史,几乎一直持续到1975年佛朗哥死後才结束。


Spanish Civil War

Military revolt against the government of Spain. After the 1936 elections produced a Popular Front government supported mainly by left-wing parties, a military uprising began in garrison towns throughout Spain, led by the rebel Nationalists and supported by conservative elements in the clergy, military, and landowners as well as the fascist Falange. The ruling Republican government, led by the socialist premiers Francisco Largo Caballero and Juan Negrín (1894-1956) and the liberal president Manuel Azana y Diaz, was supported by workers and many in the educated middle class as well as militant anarchists and communists. Government forces put down the uprising in most regions except parts of northwestern and southwestern Spain, where the Nationalists held control and named Francisco Franco head of state. Both sides repressed opposition; together, they executed or assassinated over 50,000 suspected enemies to their respective causes. Seeking aid from abroad, the Nationalists received troops, tanks, and planes from Nazi Germany and Italy, which used Spain as a testing ground for new methods of tank and air warfare. The Republicans (also called loyalists) were sent matériel mainly by the Soviet Union, and the volunteer International Brigades also joined the Republicans. The two sides fought fierce and bloody skirmishes in a war of attrition. The Nationalist side gradually gained territory and by April 1938 succeeded in splitting Spain from east to west, causing 250,000 Republican forces to flee into France. In March 1939 the remaining Republican forces surrendered, and Madrid, beset by civil strife between communists and anti-communists, fell to the Nationalists on March 28. About 500,000 people died in the war, and all Spaniards were deeply scarred by the trauma. The war's end brought a period of dictatorship that lasted almost until Franco's death in 1975.

本文标签: 西班牙内战  


