
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:38:20百科


为输送分配可饮用的洁净水和排出污水而在房屋内部安装的管道及装置系统。与为建筑群或一个城市设计的供水及下水道系统相比,室内给排水设施通常有明显的不同。室内给排水设施体系的改进非常缓慢,从使用输水道系统的罗马时代一直到19世纪都几乎没有任何进步。最终,独立的地下供水与下水道系统的发展消灭了开放性沟渠。现在的水管通常由钢、铜、黄酮、塑胶或其他无毒性材料制成。一栋建筑的废物处理系统有两个组成部分:排水系统和通风系统。排水部分由一系列管道组成,这些管道将多个设备排水口与主排水管相连,主排水管则与下水道系统相通。通风系统则由一端为气口(通常开口在屋檐上)的管道组成,管道另一端开口於排水系统内的多个孔洞。透过在系统内提供空气的循环,通风系统可以保障室内卫生器具的水封处不致出现虹吸反应或倒灌的压力。亦请参阅sewage system、water pollution、water-supply system。


System of pipes and fixtures installed in a building for the distribution of potable water and the removal of waterborne wastes. Plumbing is usually distinguished from water and sewage systems, which serve a group of buildings or a city. Improvement in plumbing systems was very slow, with virtually no progress made from the time of the Roman system of aqueducts and lead pipes until the 19th century. Eventually the development of separate, underground water and sewage systems eliminated open sewage ditches. Present-day water pipes are usually made of steel, copper, brass, plastic, or other nontoxic material. A building's waste-disposal system has two parts: the drainage system and the venting system. The drainage portion comprises pipes leading from various fixture drains to the central main, which is connected to the sewage system. The venting system consists of pipes leading from an air inlet (usually on the roof) to various points within the drainage system; by providing the circulation of air within the system, it protects the trap seals of fixtures from siphonage and back pressure. See also sewage system, water pollution, water-supply system.

本文标签: 室内给排水设施  


