
杂烩百科2023-02-02 15:54:02百科


法律上指散布假的资讯(告诉第三者)以诋毁他人的名声,企图使其名誉扫地。文字诽谤(libel)和口头诽谤(slander)是破坏名誉在法律上的两种分类。文字诽谤是用印刷品、图画或任何其他有形标记来破坏名誉;口头诽谤是用言词破坏名誉。文字诽谤的起诉人一般必须证实所申述的诽谤有特别指明他或她本人,并且已对他人发表(第三者),而且已造成某种伤害。美国最高法院规定,公众人物(如名人或政治人物)提出的受文字诽谤官司只要能证明是受到「真正蓄意」(亦即明知是错误的或轻率地漠视真相)中伤,就可以要求赔偿,例如「纽约时报公司诉沙利文案」(New York Times Co. vs. Sullivan, 1964)。在控告别人口头诽谤时,可能提不出所指控或证明造成某种伤害的确切证据,除非供述有明白伤害他人人格的地方,如诋毁原告有犯罪行为、通奸或一种犯罪特徵而影响他或她的生意或工作。在破坏名誉的案件中,辩方通常会想办法建立所怀疑的供述真相。


In law, issuance of false statements about a person that injure the reputation of or deter others from associating with that person. Libel and slander are the legal subcategories of defamation. Libel is defamation in print, pictures, or any other visual symbols. A libel plaintiff must generally establish that the alleged libel refers to him or her specifically, that it was published to others (third parties), and that some injury occurred as a result. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that public persons (e.g., celebrities or politicians) alleging libel may recover damages only if they prove that the statement in question was made with “actual malice,” that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard for the truth (New York Times Co. vs. Sullivan, 1964). Slander is defamation by oral communication. An action for slander may be brought without alleging and proving special injury if the statement has a plainly harmful character, as by imputing to the plaintiff criminal guilt, serious sexual misconduct, or a characteristic affecting his or her business or profession. The defense in defamation cases often takes the form of seeking to establish the truth of the statements in question.

本文标签: 破坏名誉  


