
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:35:06百科




Largest part of the brain. The two cerebral hemispheres consist of an inner core of myelinated nerve fibers, the white matter, and a heavily convoluted outer cortex of gray matter (see cerebral cortex). Nerve fibers in the white matter connect functional areas of the cortex in the same hemispheres, connect functional areas of the cortex in opposite hemispheres, and connect the cerebral cortex to lower centers (e.g., the spinal cord). A front-to-back fissure divides the cerebrum's two hemispheres. One is dominant, holding speech and thought centers and determining right- or left-handedness. The other handles more complex perceptions, such as face recognition. Each controls the opposite side of the body. The corpus callosum, a thick band of white matter, connects them, allowing integration of sensory data and responses from both sides of the body. Other important cerebral structures include the hypothalamus and the thalamus, a sensory relay center involved with emotions and instincts.


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