指9~11世纪进行侵袭和在欧洲广大地区开拓殖民地的斯堪的那维亚航海战士。可能是从本国人口过剩到国外受害者相对软弱无依促成的。北欧海盗由拥有土地的酋长、自由民以及精力充沛渴望海外冒险和掠夺财物的年轻人组成。865年征服了东英吉利亚和诺森伯里亚,并蚕食麦西亚。878年与阿佛列大帝达成停战协议,条约承认英格兰的大部分落入丹麦人的手中。892~899年阿佛列击败维京人,阿佛列之子於924年攻陷了麦西亚和东英吉利亚。诺森伯里亚的维京人於954年被伊德雷德一扫而光。980年,维京人再次开始袭击英格兰,该国最後成为克努特大帝帝国的一部分。当地的王室於1042年得以平安地复辟。斯堪的那维亚人对英格兰的社会结构、方言及人名、地名方面留下了深刻痕迹。在西方的海洋上,在900年左右斯堪的那维亚人移居在冰岛,又前往格陵兰和北美。795年入侵爱尔兰,建立了都柏林、利默里克和沃特福德王国。克朗塔尔福战役(1014)结束了斯堪的那维亚人统治的威胁。在法国维京人时?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/222/247075.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>鼻窒呛苌儆杏谰眯缘某删汀T诙砉淙凰箍暗哪俏侨艘欢仍谂捣蚋缏薜隆?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/220/260231.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>基辅以及其他一些中心区占有统治地位,但是他们很快就被斯拉夫人同化了。作为商人与拜占庭(912、945)签订商业条约。在君士坦丁堡当佣兵。11世纪北欧海盗的活动结束。
English version:
Scandinavian seafaring warriors who raided and colonized areas of Europe in the 9th-11th century. Overpopulation at home, ease of conquest abroad, and their extraordinary capacity as shipbuilders and sailors inspired their adventures. In 865 Vikings conquered East Anglia, Northumbria, and much of Mercia. Wessex under Alfred the Great made a truce in 878 that led to Danish control of much of England. Alfred defeated fresh Viking armies 892-99, and his son continued his reconquest, recovering lands in Mercia and East Anglia by 924; Viking Northumbria fell in 954. Renewed raids in 980 brought England into Canute's empire until 1042, when native rule was restored. The Scandinavians permanently affected English social structure, dialect, and names. In the western seas, Scandinavians had settled in Iceland by 900, whence they traveled to Greenland and North America. They invaded Ireland in 795, establishing kingdoms at Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford. The Battle of Clontarf (1014) ended the threat of Scandinavian rule. France suffered periodic Viking raids but no domination. In Russia Vikings briefly dominated Novgorod, Kiev, and other centers, but were quickly absorbed by the Slav population. As traders they made commercial treaties with the Byzantines (912, 945), and they served as mercenaries in Constantinople. Viking activity ended in the 11th century.