
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:32:33百科


15世纪初期,威尼斯画家中的维瓦里尼家族。维瓦里尼(Antonio Vivarini,1415年~1480?),自1444年起,与其姻亲乔凡尼.达莱马尼亚(卒於1450年)合作,现留存的作品有威尼斯圣札加利教堂、圣潘塔隆教堂与威尼斯学院(1446)的祭坛画以及米兰布雷拉宫的一件多联画(1448)。维瓦里尼(Bartolomeo Vivarini,1432年~1499?),1450年後与其兄安东尼奥.维瓦里尼合作。他的作品模仿曼特尼亚,比他的哥哥更先进。自1459年起独立绘画。维瓦里尼(Alvise Vivarini,1446年~1505?),其父安东尼奥.维瓦里尼是威尼斯艺术家中维瓦里尼家族的奠基人。画法有些因袭和保守,在极大程度上无视了当时那种摆脱哥德式绘画严肃形式的趋势。其作品有在蒙特菲奥雷蒂诺的一幅祭坛画(1475?)和威尼斯托钵修会教堂画的祭坛画(1503)。

Vivarini family

Family of early 15th-century Venetian painters. Antonio Vivarini (c. 1415-c. 1480) collaborated from 1441 with his brother-in-law, Giovanni d'Alemagna (died 1450), on altarpieces, four of which survive in the churches of San Zaccaria (1443) and San Pantalon (1444), and on a large three-part canvas in the Accademia (1446). Their large-scale polyptychs feature stiff, archaic figures and heavily ornamented frames. In 1447-50 they lived in Padua and worked with Andrea Mantegna on a cycle of frescoes for the Church of the Eremitani (destroyed in World War II). Antonio's younger brother and pupil Bartolomeo (1432?-after 1500) collaborated with Antonio after 1450. His work, more progressive than his brother's, was imitative of Mantegna. From 1459 he worked independently. His most distinguished works include the altarpieces in the churches of Sts. Giovanni e Paolo (1473), Santa Maria dei Frari (1474), and San Giovanni Bragora (1478) and in the Accademia (1477). Antonio's son Alvise (c. 1445-c. 1505) came under the influence of Bellini family, with whom he worked on paintings (now lost) for the Doges' Palace (1488). The overlapping careers of Antonio, Bartolomeo, and Alvise recapitulate the overall development of Venetian painting from the late Gothic period to the threshold of the High Renaissance.

本文标签: 维瓦里尼家族  


