
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:32:14百科


Wang Jingwei,亦拼作Wang Ching-wei。

中国的领导人,於1940年出任日本为统治所征服的中国地区,而建立的政权的首领。汪精卫是孙逸仙的革命党中最主要的论战家。1910年,他试图刺杀皇室的摄政王,但失败被捕。因为他在面临处决所展现的勇气,他的量刑因而得以缩减。他在共和革命後一年获得释放。1920年代,他出任国民党(参阅Nationalist Party)中主要的职位。在孙逸仙死後,他担任党的主席,而蒋介石则领导北伐对抗中国的军阀。蒋介石与汪精卫共同争夺国民党的主导权;两人於1932年达成妥协,汪精卫出任总裁,蒋介石则领导军队。在对日战争爆发後,汪精卫逃向河内(Hanoi),并发表声明,呼吁中国应设法达成和平协定。1940年,他与日本合作,成为以南京为中心、统治日本占领区的政权首脑。虽然汪精卫期昐能获准拥有实质的自治权,但日本仍继续实施军事和经济上的统制。他在日本接受医疗诊察时死亡。


Wang Jingwei

Chinese leader, head of the regime established by the Japanese in 1940 to govern their conquests in China. A leading polemicist for Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary party, in 1910 he tried to assassinate the imperial regent and was caught; his courage in the face of execution resulted in his sentence being reduced. He was released the following year after the Republican Revolution. In the 1920s he served as a major official in the Nationalist Party (see Guomindang). After Sun's death, he chaired the party while Chiang Kai-shek led the Northern Expedition against China's warlords. Chiang and Wang vied for party control; in a compromise in 1932, Wang became president and Chiang headed the military. After war erupted with Japan, Wang flew to Hanoi and issued a statement calling on the Chinese to work out a peaceful settlement. In 1940, in cooperation with the Japanese, he became head of a regime that governed the Japanese-occupied areas centered on Nanjing. Though Wang had hoped to be granted virtual autonomy, the Japanese continued to exercise military and economic dominance. He died while undergoing medical treatment in Japan.

本文标签: 汪精卫  


