
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:24:26百科



法国大革命时期的政治团体,以极端激进主义(radicalism)和暴力闻名。1789年成立时以宪政之友社(Society of the Friends of the Constitution)为名,但以雅各宾俱乐部知名,因为会议是在过去的一所道明会修士(Dominicans,在巴黎称作雅各宾派)女修道院举行。原由国民议会(National Assembly)的代表组成,旨在保护法国大革命成果,免受可能发生的贵族反动的侵害。雅各宾俱乐部在1792年并?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/223/306724.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>粗苯硬斡胪品髡澹崂淳憷植扛拿鸥鞅鲎杂捎肫降戎焉纾⊿ociety of the Jacobins, Friends of Liberty and Equality)。它接受国民公会(National Convention)中左翼山岳派(Montagnard)代表,并煽动人民处决国王、推翻吉伦特派。到了1793年,全国约有八千个俱乐部,会员约有五十万人,雅各宾派成了恐怖统治(Reign of Terror)的工具。巴黎的雅各宾俱乐部支持罗伯斯比尔(Maximilien Robespierre),但1794年罗伯斯比尔下台後,它就关闭了。虽然官方正式禁止雅各宾俱乐部活动,但一些地方性俱乐部仍持续到1800年。

Jacobin Club

Political group of the French Revolution identified with extreme radicalism and violence. Formed in 1789 as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, it was known as the Jacobin Club because it met in a former convent of the Dominicans (known in Paris as Jacobins). It was originally formed by deputies of the National Assembly to protect the Revolution's gains against a possible aristocratic reaction. Though it did not have a direct role in overthrowing the monarchy in 1792, the club later changed its name to Society of the Jacobins, Friends of Liberty and Equality. It admitted leftist Montagnard deputies of the National Convention and agitated for the king's execution and the overthrow of the Girondins. In 1793, with about 8,000 clubs and 500,000 members, the Jacobins became instruments of the Reign of Terror. The Parisian club supported Maximilien Robespierre, but it closed after his fall in 1794. Though officially banned, some local clubs lasted until 1800.

本文标签: 雅各宾俱乐部  


