
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:24:18百科



sonata form

Form of most first movements and often other movements in such musical genres as the symphony, concerto, string quartet, and sonata. Sonata form evolved from two-part forms such as the dances of the baroque suite, each of whose parts was generally repeated. The second part, which initially tended to resemble the first part but reversed the order of its keys, gradually grew in size to become, in important respects, a three-part form. The first part, or exposition, presents the basic thematic material of the movement, which is often divided into two thematic groups, the second being in the dominant key or-if the movement is in a minor key-in the relative major key. The second section, or development, generally treats the earlier themes freely, often moving to various different keys. It leads to the final section, or recapitulation, when the tonic key returns and all the thematic material is repeated in the tonic. Sonata form was the most common form for instrumental works in Western art music from c. 1760 to the early 20th century.

本文标签: 奏鸣曲式  


