
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:21:46百科



本名杨坚(Yang Jian)

中国隋朝的创建者,在数世纪的动乱不安後重新统一中国。杨坚出生於中国北方极有权势的家族,该区域适为非中国族裔的北周(西元557~581年)朝廷所掌控。当北周皇帝意外死亡,杨坚掌握皇位,征服政敌,并於西元581年宣布成立隋朝。文帝有意创建一强大、中央集权的国家,他在长安设计了庞大的新首都,并拔除根深蒂固的地方利益。在地方上拥有世袭权力的家族,被以考试制度选拔的官员取代;这些官员被禁止在家乡服务,并频繁轮调。文帝征服了中国南方的王朝,并击垮位於土耳其斯坦(Turkistan)和蒙古(Mongolia)的突厥帝国的威权。他将均田制付诸实行,制订新的法典。他的政府徵收赋税,并主持调控市价的谷仓。文帝晚年,变得深信佛教,他建造了佛龛并奉祀佛教遗物。亦请参阅Yang Di。



Founder of the Chinese Sui dynasty, which reunified China after centuries of instability. He was born into a powerful family in northern China, an area controlled by the non-Chinese Northern Zhou dynasty (557-81). When the Zhou emperor died unexpectedly, Wendi seized the throne, overcame his rivals, and in 581 proclaimed the Sui dynasty. Intending to build a strong, centralized state, he designed a huge new capital at Changan and attacked entrenched local interests. Families with hereditary local power were replaced with officials selected by examination, who were forbidden to serve in the areas from which they came and were rotated frequently. Wendi conquered the dynasties of southern China and breaking the power of the Turkish empires in Turkistan and Mongolia. He put the equal-field system into practice and produced a new legal code. His government brought in tax revenues and maintained price-regulating granaries. In old age he became deeply involved with Buddhism, building shrines and dedicating relics. See also Yang Di.

本文标签: 隋文帝  


