
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:21:38百科


Greco, El,原名Domenikos Theotokopoulos。

El Greco在西班牙语中意为希腊人。克里特裔西班牙画家,西班牙绘画中第一位大师。关於其早期生活的资料有限,只知约1560~1570年在威尼斯,可能在提香的工作室习画。1572年为罗马圣路加公会成员。他在西班牙(1577)的第一件委任作品是托莱多圣多明哥-安蒂戈(Santo Domingo el Antiguo)教堂的祭坛画(1577~1579),高坛上的《圣母升天图》和《三位一体》,反映出提香及米开朗基罗的影响。画中拉长的人物造型成为他个人的代表风格。他的杰作《奥尔加斯伯爵的葬礼》(1586~1588),以超自然、半抽象的手法描绘天上充满高大鬼魂般的人物轮廓,而地上则是平常的世界。自1590年至去世,葛雷柯的画作数量惊人。主要作品包括替依列斯卡斯(Illescas)德拉卡里达医院(Hospital de la Caridad)完成的完整祭坛画(1603~1605),在这项工作中,他也担任建筑师和雕刻师。他还是出色的肖像画家。现存两幅风景画,包括着名的《托莱多风景》(1610?)。他的工作室生产了许多其作品的复制画,但他的个人风格是如此独特,因而其追随者只有他的儿子及一些已被人遗忘的模仿者。


Greco, El

(Spanish: “The Greek”) orig. Domenikos Theotokopoulos (c. 1541-1614) Cretan-Spanish painter, the first great master of Spanish painting. Documentation on his early life is limited, but it is known that he was in Venice c. 1566-70 and may have studied in Titian's workshop. In 1572 he was a member of the guild of St. Luke in Rome. His first commission in Spain (1577) was for altarpieces for the church of Santo Domingo el Antiguo in Toledo (1577-79); the paintings for the high altar, The Assumption of the Virgin and The Trinity, show the influence of Titian and Michelangelo. Their elongated human figures became his signature style. His masterpiece, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz (1586-88), portrays a supernatural, semiabstract vision of heaven above, filled with tall, phantomlike figures, and a normal view of earth below. From 1590 until his death his output was prodigious. His major commissions included the complete altar composition for the Hospital de la Caridad at Illescas (1603-5), for which he also worked as architect and sculptor. He excelled as a portraitist. Two landscapes survive, notably his View of Toledo (c. 1610). His workshop produced many replicas of his works, but his style was so individual that his only followers were his son and a few forgotten imitators.

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