
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:19:25百科


运动的主旨在於建立各非洲独立国家,并加强全世界黑色人种的团结。此一运动起源於伦敦(1900, 1919, 1921, 1923)和其他城市所举行的一连串会议。杜布瓦(W. E. B. Du Bois)是早期主要领导人。重要的第六次泛非会议(1945年於曼彻斯特举行),出席者包括结摩.肯亚他(Jomo Kenyatta)和夸默.克鲁玛(Kwame Nkrumah)。首次真正的跨国会议是於1958年在迦纳(Chana)的首府阿克拉(Accra)举行,帕翠斯.鲁姆巴(Patrice Lumumba)是主要发言人。泛非议会(Pan-Africanist Congress, PAC)是由罗伯.索布奎(Robert M. Sobukwe)和其他人於1959年在南非所成立的,目的在於提供另一个政治选择,取代被视为已遭受非非洲势力影响的非洲民族议会(African National Congress)。由朱立.涅勒尔(Julius Nyerere)和其他人於1963年成立的非洲团结组织(Organization of African Unity, OAU)是一大里程碑,很快就成为最重要的泛非运动组织。

Pan-African movement

Movement dedicated to establishing independence for African nations and cultivating unity among black people throughout the world. It originated in conferences held in London (1900, 1919, 1921, 1923) and other cities. W. E. B. Du Bois was a principal early leader. The important sixth Pan-African conference (Manchester, 1945) included Jomo Kenyatta and Kwame Nkrumah. The first truly intergovernmental conference was held in Accra, Ghana, in 1958, where Patrice Lumumba was a key speaker. The Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) was founded by Robert M. Sobukwe and others in South Africa in 1959 as a political alternative to the African National Congress, which was seen as contaminated by non-African influences. The founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) by Julius Nyerere and others in 1963 was a milestone, and the OAU soon became the most important Pan-Africanist organization.

本文标签: 泛非运动  


