二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)
English version:
carbon dioxide
Inorganic compound, a colorless gas with a faint, sharp odor and a sour taste when dissolved in water, chemical formula CO2. About 0.03% of air by volume, it is produced when carbon-containing materials burn completely and from fermentation and animal respiration. Plants use CO2 in photosynthesis to make carbohydrates. In the atmosphere, CO2 keeps some of the sun's energy received by the earth from radiating into space (see greenhouse effect). In water, it forms a solution of a weak acid, carbonic acid (H2CO3). Its reaction with ammonia is the first step in synthesizing urea. An important industrial material, CO2 is recovered from sources including flue gases, the process that produces hydrogen, and limekilns. It is used as a refrigerant, chemical intermediate, and inert atmosphere; in fire extinguishers, foaming rubber and plastics, carbonated beverages (see carbonation), and aerosol sprays; in water treatment, welding, and cloud seeding; and for promoting plant growth in greenhouses. Under pressure it becomes a liquid, the form most used in industry. If the liquid is allowed to expand, it cools and partially freezes to the solid form, dry ice.
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