杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:13:34百科




Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements, chemical symbol Fe, atomic number 26. Iron is the most used and cheapest metal, the second most abundant metal and fourth most abundant element in the earth's crust. It occurs rarely as the free metal, occasionally in alloys (especially in meteorites), and in hundreds of minerals and ores, including hematite, magnetite, limonite, and siderite. The human body contains 4.5 g of iron, mostly as hemoglobin and its precursors; iron in the diet is essential to health. Iron is ferromagnetic at ordinary temperatures and the only metal that can be tempered (see tempering). Its uses in steels of various types, as well as in cast and wrought iron (collectively, “ferrous metals”), are numerous. Alteration of its properties by impurities, especially carbon, is the basis of steelmaking. Iron in compounds usually has valence 2 (ferrous) or 3 (ferric). Ferrous and ferric oxides are used as pigments and the latter as jewelers' rouge. Rust is ferric oxide containing water; ferrites, made from an intermediate oxide, are widely used in computer memories and magnetic tapes. Ferrous and ferric sulfates and chlorides are all of industrial importance, as mordants, reducing agents, flocculating agents, or raw materials and in inks and fertilizers.


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