
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:11:28百科


美国未建制的岛屿领土,位於大安地列斯(Greater Antilles)群岛东端,加勒比海东北部。由圣克洛伊、圣约翰和圣汤玛斯三个大岛,以及五十余个小岛和沙洲组成。面积352平方公里。人口约122,000(2001)。首府:沙罗特阿马利亚。近80%的人口为黑人和黑白混血种人,其余多数为西班牙人(主要是波多黎各人)或新近来的白人移民。岛上居民为美国公民,可选举一名无投票权的代表参加美国众议院,但不参加美国大选。语言:英语(官方语)、法语和西班牙语。宗教:新教和正统派犹太教。岛上多丘陵,为珊瑚礁所环绕。旅游业支配着经济。


Virgin Islands of the U.S.

Unincorporated U.S. island territory, at the eastern end of the Greater Antilles, northeastern Caribbean Sea. It consists of the islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas and about 50 small islets. Area: 136 sq mi (352 sq km). Population, 1990 est.: 102,000. Capital: Charlotte Amalie. About 80% of the population is black or mulatto; most of the remainder are Hispanic (mainly Puerto Rican) or recent white immigrants. The people are U.S. citizens and elect a nonvoting representative to the U.S. House of Representatives, but they do not vote in U.S. national elections. Languages: English (official), French, Spanish. Religions: Protestantism, Orthodox Judaism. The islands are hilly and surrounded by coral reefs. Tourism dominates the economy. They probably were originally settled by Arawak Indians, but they were inhabited by the Caribs when Christopher Columbus landed on St. Croix in 1493. St. Croix was occupied by the Dutch, English, French, and Spanish, and at one time owned by the Knights of Malta. Denmark occupied St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix and established them as a Danish colony in 1754. The U.S. purchased the Danish West Indies in 1917 for $25 million and changed the name to the Virgin Islands. They were administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior from 1931. In 1954 the Organic Act of the Virgin Islands created the current governmental structure, and in 1970 the first popularly elected governor took office. The area suffered extensive damage by hurricane in 1995.

本文标签: 美属维尔京群岛  


