
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:11:02百科


Kern, Jerome (David)

美国作曲家,美国音乐剧的主要创始人之一。原在纽约学习音乐,1903年去海德堡学习,後在伦敦获得舞台作品经验。1905年返回纽约後任钢琴师,并为几家音乐出版商当推销员,同时为欧洲式轻歌剧谱写了许多新曲。1912年创作《红裙》,是第一部他独力完成的含有音乐剧形式的音乐。1915年《好埃迪》的成功超过前者。後来作的音乐剧包括《好家伙!》(1917)、《莎莉》(1920)、《阳光》(1925)。1927年根据费勃(E. Ferber)的小说,并找汉莫斯坦填词而创作了《画舫璇宫》,成为美国第一个从文学着作改编的严肃音乐剧,为音乐戏剧史上的一个里程碑。接着发表了《猫与提琴》(1931)、《空中的乐声》(1932)和《罗伯特》(1933)。1933年以後开始为好莱坞电影作曲,经典歌曲有〈这首歌就是你〉、〈你是我的一切〉、〈坠入情网〉及〈老人河〉等。


Kern, Jerome (David)

U.S. composer, one of the major U.S. creators of the musical. Kern studied music in his native New York and in Heidelberg, Germany, and later gained theatrical experience in London. Returning to New York, he worked as a pianist and salesman for music publishers and wrote new numbers for European operettas. In 1912 he composed The Red Petticoat, the first musical containing only his own music; its success was surpassed by Very Good Eddie (1915). Subsequent musicals included Oh, Boy! (1917), Sally (1920), and Sunny (1925). In 1927 his Show Boat, based on Edna Ferber's novel and with lyrics by O. Hammerstein, became the first American musical with a serious plot drawn from a literary source; it represents a landmark in the history of musical theater. It was followed by The Cat and the Fiddle (1931), Music in the Air (1932), and Roberta (1933). After 1933 he composed for Hollywood. Kern's classic songs include “The Song Is You,” “All the Things You Are,” “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” and “Ol' Man River.”.


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