
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:08:47百科


Fragonard, Jean-Honoré

法国画家。约1749年在巴黎随布歇(F. Boucher)学习,曾获得罗马最高奖,1756~1761年到罗马法兰西学院深造。其间漫游义大利,作了许多地方景色的写生,尤其是蒂沃利(Tivoli)艾斯泰别墅(Villa d'Este)的花园。这时期他开始欣赏提埃坡罗(G. B. Tiepolo)的作品。1765年在美术展览会展出几幅风景画和大幅的《科列苏斯舍身救卡里尔荷》历史画,受到路易十五世的赏识,在罗浮宫中赐给他一个画室,同时被接纳为法兰西学院院士。不久转而专心作雷斯达尔(Jacob van Ruisdael)风格的风景画和肖像画、装饰画以及色情的户外飨宴游乐图,他尤其因後者的作品而着名(如《秋千》〔1766?〕)。1767年以後他几乎不再参加官方沙龙而为私人赞助者作画。他的作品表现洛可可风格,笔触轻快、有力、流畅,具有诗意。他曾尝试采用较流行的新古典主义题材和风格,但是由於他与王室来往密切,使得他的作品在法国大革命期间不被接纳,生活陷入困境。


Fragonard, Jean-Honoré

French painter. He studied with Francois Boucher in Paris c. 1749. He subsequently won a Prix de Rome, and while in Italy (1756-61) he traveled extensively and executed many sketches of the countryside, especially the gardens at the Villa d'Este at Tivoli, and developed a great admiration for the work of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. In 1765 his large historical painting Coresus Sacrifices Himself to Save Callirho? was purchased for Louis XV and won him election to the French Royal Academy. He soon abandoned this style to concentrate on landscapes in the manner of Jacob van Ruisdael, portraits, and the decorative, erotic outdoor party scenes for which he became famous (e.g., The Swing, c. 1766). After 1767 he gave up exhibiting in the official Salon and worked primarily for private patrons. He tried to adapt to the fashionable Neoclassical style, but his close associations with royalty made his work unacceptable during the French Revolution, and he lost patrons and his livelihood. His works, with those of Boucher, epitomize the Rococo period.

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