
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:08:15百科


非自愿离开自己家园的人。19世纪晚期以前,国家之间的边界尚未固定和关闭,难民潮总是被相邻的国家吸收。移民的限制和难民人数的增加成为救助他们的必要行动。1921年南森曾创「国际联盟护照」允许难民自由的在各国迁移,那时候只有不自愿地离开家园而到另一个国家寻求庇护的移民,才可确定为难民身分。1938年难民的定义扩展到包括惧怕由於种族、宗教、民族、加入某一团体或政见不同而遭到迫害的移民。後来,这一标准再次扩大,包括逃离家园但还在自己国内者。当移民安置下来或者返回家园後,难民的身分即终止。如今,世界难民的大多数(超过五百万)都在非洲,虽然前南斯拉夫境内以及冷战结束後的欧洲其他地方的冲突也明显地增加了难民的人数。亦请参阅International Refugee Organization、United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Office of the、United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration。


Person involuntarily displaced from his or her homeland. Until the late 19th century and the emergence of fixed and closed national boundaries, waves of refugees were always absorbed by neighboring countries. Immigration restrictions and increasing numbers of refugees necessitated special action to aid them. In 1921 Fridtjof Nansen created a League of Nations Passport to allow refugees to move freely across national boundaries. Refugee status at that time was accorded to migrants only if their departure was involuntary and asylum was sought in another country. In 1938 its definition was expanded to include a fear of persecution because of ethnicity, religion, nationality, group membership, or political opinion. Later the criteria were expanded again to include flight from home within one's own country. Refugee status ends when the migrant is either resettled or returns home. Today most of the world's refugees (over 5 million) are in Africa, though conflict in the former Yugoslavia and elsewhere in post-Cold War Europe have also significantly increased the number of refugees. See also International Refugee Organization, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

本文标签: 难民  


