Armstrong, Louis
爵士乐(jazz)史上首位重要的小号演奏家及歌手,也是最受欢迎的公众人物。曾在游行乐队、密西西比内河船上和夜总会的乐队吹奏小号(儿时小名为Satchelmouth,後来缩短为Satchmo,沿用一生)。1922年移居芝加哥,加入奥利弗的「克里奥尔爵士乐队」(参阅Dixieland),次年首次灌录了一些唱片。1924年加入纽约亨德森管弦乐团,并和贝西史密斯、雷尼共同录制唱片。1925年他由短号演奏转为小号演奏,并开始用他自己的名字与他的「热乐五重奏」、「热乐七重奏」(类似奥利弗和奥赖的纽奥良乐队)录制唱片,在这些唱片中,先前强调的集体即兴式演奏已被他发展的独奏和独唱效果所取代。随着1928年〈西端蓝调〉(West End Blues)的推出,路易斯阿姆斯壮建立了在爵士乐中音乐独奏名家的突出地位。其振动的旋律、和声即席创作及摇摆节奏的概念树立了爵士乐的本土性特点。其强有力的音调和飞快的演奏速率成为新的演奏技术标准。同时他也是第一位拟声歌手,用号角来改进无意义的音节。他不仅是爵士音乐家,还具有独奏魅力,还是乐队领队、电影演员和国际明星。後来录制的唱片及他身为世界音乐大使的角色使其一生声名不辍。
English version:
Armstrong, Louis
U.S. trumpeter and singer, the first great soloist in jazz and its most popular public figure. Armstrong was born in New Orleans, where he participated in marching, riverboat, and cabaret bands. (A childhood nickname, Satchelmouth, was shortened to Satchmo and used throughout his life.) In 1922 he moved to Chicago to join King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band (see Dixieland); he made his first records the following year. In 1924 he joined the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra in New York and recorded with Bessie Smith and Ma Rainey. In 1925 he switched from cornet to trumpet and began recording under his own name with his Hot Five and Hot Seven ensembles, groups resembling the New Orleans bands of Oliver and Kid Ory. In these recordings the prevailing emphasis on collective improvisation gives way to his developing strength as soloist and vocalist. By the time of his 1928 “West End Blues,” Armstrong had established the preeminence of the virtuoso soloist in jazz. His vibrant melodic phrasing, inventive harmonic improvisation, and swinging rhythmic conception established the vernacular of jazz music. His powerful tone, great range, and dazzling velocity set a new technical standard. He also was the first scat singer, improvising nonsense syllables in the manner of a horn. He became something more than a jazz musician: solo attraction, bandleader, film actor, and international star. His later recordings and his role as musical ambassador to the world maintained his celebrity until the end of his life.