
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:03:10百科


Liszt, Franz,原名Franciscus Liszt。

匈牙利出生的法国作曲家和钢琴家。其父信仰虔诚,所以他的名字取自圣方济(St. Francis),李斯特也承袭了父亲的音乐天分和性格特质。车尔尼在他八岁时看出了他具有音乐天分,李斯特於是跟随车尔尼和萨利耶里在维也纳学习音乐,并在1822年首次登台表演。1823年在巴黎举办一次成功的音乐会後,他开始巡回欧洲表演,但他的父亲不幸早逝(1828),加上一场灾难式的爱情事件令他想放弃音乐生涯去当神父。1832年第一次聆听到帕格尼尼的演奏,鼓舞了他把演奏技巧发展至最高境界,并首度创作了第一批成熟的作品,即《超技练习曲》(1837)和《帕格尼尼练习曲》(1839)。後来和阿古伯爵夫人陷入爱河,生下一女,名为科西玛(1837~1930),她後来和父亲的好友华格纳结婚。1840年代是「李斯特狂」(Lisztomania)的颠峰时期,听众对他高超的演奏技巧和华丽的风格空前着迷,结果因他到处巡回表演而与伯爵夫人关系破裂。李斯特自视为未来的使者,在1840年代晚期停止了音乐演奏而专心作曲,并进一步影响了革新派作曲家的作品。1850年代,他写了许多最具野心的作品,包括《浮士德交响曲》(1854)和《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》(1852~1853)。1865年他放弃了与赛因-维根斯坦公主成婚的希望,接受教会次级的神职职位。後期的作品十分出色,对20世纪音乐的许多发展影响很大。


Liszt, Franz

Hungarian-French composer and pianist. His devout father named him for St. Francis, and Liszt inherited his father's musical and spiritual sides. Karl Czerny recognized Liszt's talent at age 8, and Liszt studied with Czerny and A. Salieri in Vienna, making his debut there in 1822. After an 1823 Paris success, he toured Europe, but his father's early death (1828) and a disastrous love affair led to a desire to give up music for the priesthood. Hearing N. Paganini in 1832, he was inspired to develop his technique to the utmost and compose his first mature pieces, including the Transcendental études (1837) and Paganini études (1839). An affair with Countess Marie d'Agoult resulted in the birth of his daughter, Cosima (1837-1930), who would marry his friend Richard Wagner. Liszt's touring led to their breakup, for the 1840s were the height of “Lisztomania,” the unprecedented frenzy of his audiences sparked by his blazing technique and dashing style. Seeing himself as a messenger of the future, he ceased concertizing in the late 1840s to devote himself to composition and furthering the work of progressive composers. In the 1850s he wrote many of his most ambitious works, including A Faust Symphony (1854) and the piano sonata in B minor (1853). In 1865, abandoning hope that Princess Caroline de Sayn-Wittgenstein would marry him, he took minor church orders. His later output is remarkable in anticipating many 20th-century developments.


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