Delacroix, (Ferdinand-) Eugène (-Victor)
法国画家。年轻时受英国画家波宁顿(Richard Parkes Bonington)、康斯塔伯(John Constable)和透纳(J.M.W. Turner)的影响很大,但他画的大部分是历史或当代发生的事件,以及源自文学的场景。1822年展示了《但丁和维吉尔共渡冥河》(Dante and Virgil in Hell),是19世纪法国浪漫主义发展的一个里程碑。他在巴黎沙龙举办的展览十分成功,後来受委托为市政建筑作装饰,并成为法国艺术史上最杰出的巨幅壁画画家之一。他开发了石版画的新素材,1827年为歌德的《浮士德》(Faust)作了一组十七幅石版插图。1830年画了《自由领导人民》(Liberty Leading the People)以纪念7月革命後路易-腓力(Louis-Philippe)登基。1832年到摩洛哥旅行,激发了他往後一生运用丰富色调而具异国情调的视觉想像来作画。他是个多产画家,死後,在他的工作室中发现有九千多幅画作、粉彩画、素描和水彩画。他对色彩的运用影响了印象主义(Impressionism)的发展。
English version:
Delacroix, (Ferdinand-) Eugène (-Victor)
French painter. As a young man he was strongly influenced by the English painters Richard Parkes Bonington, John Constable, and J.M.W. Turner, but painted mostly historical or contemporary events and scenes from literature. In 1822 he exhibited Dante and Virgil in Hell, a landmark in the development of French 19th-century Romanticism. After his success at the Paris Salon, he was commissioned to decorate government buildings; he became one of the most distinguished monumental mural painters in the history of French art. He explored the new medium of lithography and in 1827 executed 17 lithographs for an edition of Faust. In 1830 he painted Liberty Leading the People to commemorate the July Revolution that brought Louis-Philippe to the French throne. On a trip to Morocco in 1832 he acquired a wealth of rich and exotic visual imagery on which he would draw throughout his life. His output was enormous; after his death, more than 9,000 paintings, pastels, drawings, and watercolors were found in his Paris studio (now a museum). His use of color influenced the development of Impressionism.