Dalí (y Domenech), Salvador (Felipe Jacinto)
西班牙画家、雕刻家、版画家和设计家。曾在马德里和巴塞隆纳求学,後来迁居巴黎。1920年代末期,拜读了弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)关於潜意识意象的性意含的着作後,他加入超现实主义者的行列当中(参阅Surrealism)。他的画所描绘的梦境中,以一种怪诞的方式,将画得甚为逼真的普通物件并置、扭曲或者变形。在他最有名的画作《记忆守恒》(The Persistence of Memory, 1931)里,几只柔软的表在神秘古怪的风景中融化。达利还与布纽尔(Luis Bunuel)共同制作两部超现实主义影片:《安达鲁之犬》(Un chien andalou, 1928)和《黄金时代》(L'age d'or, 1930)。由於达利的绘画转趋学院派风格因而被超现实主义运动除名,此後,他开始设计舞台布景、珠宝饰物、室内装潢和书籍插画。其浅显易懂的艺术--以及他一生刻意营造的一种标新立异、喜出风头和华丽的风格所招致的公众知名度--使他十分富有。
English version:
Dalí (y Domenech), Salvador (Felipe Jacinto)
Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, and designer. He studied in Madrid and Barcelona before moving to Paris, where, in the late 1920s, after reading Sigmund Freud's writings on the erotic significance of subconscious imagery, he joined the Surrealists (see Surrealism). His paintings depict a dream world in which commonplace objects, painted with meticulous realism, are juxtaposed, deformed, or metamorphosed in bizarre ways. In his most famous painting, The Persistence of Memory (1931), limp watches melt in an eerie landscape. With Luis Bunuel he made the Surrealist films Un chien andalou (1928) and L'age d'or (1930). Expelled from the Surrealist movement when he adopted a more academic style, he later designed stage sets, jewelry, interiors, and book illustrations. His highly accessible art—and the publicity attracted by the eccentricity, exhibitionism, and flamboyant behavior he cultivated throughout his life—made him extremely wealthy.
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