布朗蒂家族(Bront? family)
英国作家家族。安立甘宗牧师的女儿们,生长於约克郡的桑顿。母亲早逝,夏绿蒂.布朗蒂(Charlotte Bront?, 1816~1855)与妹妹爱蜜丽都就读牧师女子学校,她後来在该校任教,还曾担任家庭教师。她和爱蜜丽曾计画办学校但不成功。小说《简爱》(1847),述说了一个渴望爱情、有思想有感情的女子,却能在充满自尊及道德的信念下放弃爱情的故事。这部小说成功之处是它给予维多利亚时期的小说新的真实感。後来她又发表《谢莱》(1849)和《维莱特》(1853)两本小说。1854年嫁给父亲的助理牧师,三十八岁时去世。爱蜜丽.布朗蒂(Emily 〔Jane〕 Bront?, 1818~1848)可能是三姐妹中最伟大的作家。三姐妹联合出版诗集的《柯勒、艾利斯及阿克顿.贝尔诗集》(1846),有二十一篇是她的诗,许多评论家认为她的诗句足以显露其天才。她的小说《咆哮山庄》(1847),以约克郡地区为背景,是一部描写热情与恨、极富想像力的作品。刚出版时并不被看好,後来终於被认为是最佳英语小说之一。小说出版後不久,她的健康开始迅速衰弱,最後死於肺结核,年仅三十岁。在诗集《柯勒、艾利斯及阿克顿.贝尔诗集》中有二十一篇是安妮.布朗蒂(Anne Bront?, 1820~1849)的作品,此外,她还写了《艾格尼丝.格雷》(1847)及《怀佛庄的房客》(1848)两部小说。二十九岁时死於结核病。
English version:
Bront? family
Family of English writers. The daughters of an Anglican clergyman, they were brought up in Haworth on the Yorkshire moors. Their mother died early. Charlotte Bront? (1816-1855) attended the Clergy Daughter's School with her sister Emily and subsequently taught school and served as a governess. She and Emily made an unsuccessful attempt to open a school. Her novel Jane Eyre (1847), a powerful narrative of a woman in conflict with her natural desires and social situation, which gave a new truthfulness to Victorian fiction, was an immediate success. It was followed by the novels Shirley (1849) and Villette (1853). In 1854 she married her father's curate, and she died soon after at 38. Emily (Jane) Bront? (1818-1848) was perhaps the greatest writer of the three. Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell (1846), published jointly by the sisters, contained 21 of her poems; many critics believe that her verse alone reveals poetic genius. Her one novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), is a highly imaginative story of passion and hatred set on the Yorkshire moors. Though not a success when published, it later came to be considered one of the finest novels in English. Soon after its publication, her health began to fail, and she died of tuberculosis at 30. Anne Bront? (1820-1849) contributed 21 poems to Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell, and wrote two novels, Agnes Grey (1847) and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848). She died of tuberculosis at 29.