
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:57:39百科


匈牙利首都(1999年人口约1,838,753),横跨多瑙河两岸。1873年由河右岸的布达、奥布达与左岸的佩斯两部分组成。新石器时代起便有人类居住,布达在西元2世纪时是罗马的军营。到13世纪,布达和佩斯已有日耳曼居民。15世纪时,马提亚一世修建布达,成为匈牙利首都。1541~1686年为土耳其人所占,後为洛林公爵查理五世(Charles V)夺占。1848~1849年两镇爆发民族主义暴动,佩斯成为科苏特革命政府的首都。1918年是争取匈牙利独立的起义中心。第二次世界大战後,随匈牙利一起沦为共产党统治。1956年曾是反共产主义起义的中心,但最後失败(参阅Hungarian Revolution)。1980年代反共产主义的不安现象导致1989年匈牙利共和国的成立。布达佩斯是匈牙利重要的运输中心,经济包括重工业和制造业(从电信到电子业)。


City (pop., 1997: 1,885,000), capital of Hungary. Situated on the Danube River, it acquired its name in 1873 when the towns of Buda and Obuda on the river's right bank and the town of Pest on its left bank amalgamated. Inhabited from Neolithic times, Buda was the site of a Roman camp in the AD 2nd century. By the 13th century both Buda and Pest had German inhabitants. Buda was fortified by Matthias I Corvinus in the 15th century and became the capital of Hungary. It was taken and held by the Turks 1541-1686, then retaken by Charles V, duke of Lorraine. In 1848-49 both towns experienced nationalistic revolt, and Pest became the capital of Lajos Kossuth's revolutionary government. It became the center of revolt for Hungarian independence in 1918. After World War II, it, along with Hungary, came under communist control. It was the center of an unsuccessful anticommunist uprising in 1956 (see Hungarian Revolution). Anticommunist unrest there in the 1980s led to the declaration of the Hungarian republic in 1989. Budapest is a vital Hungarian transport center; its economy includes heavy industry and manufactures from telecommunications and electronics.


  • 布达佩斯名称的由来中国地理
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