Mamluk regime,亦作Mameluke regime。
阿尤布王朝时期由出身奴隶军的阶层统治埃及和叙利亚的政权。Mamluk为阿拉伯语,意为「奴隶」。自9世纪起,伊斯兰教世界就已开始起用奴隶兵,他们通常利用所拥有的军事权力,取得合法的政权。马木路克将领在阿尤布苏丹萨利赫.阿尤布(Al-Malik al-Salih Ayyub, 1240~1249年在位)去世後夺取王位。1258年马木路克恢复哈里发的地位,并保护麦加和麦地那的统治者。在马木路克统治下,剩余的十字军被赶出地中海东部沿岸,而蒙古人也被赶回巴勒斯坦和叙利亚。文化上,他们在史书撰写(参阅Ibn Khaldun)及建筑方面成就辉煌。由於种族组合的改变(从土耳其人到切尔克斯人〔Circassian〕)伴随着国势渐衰,他们因除了围城之战才采用野战炮,结果在1517年被鄂图曼人(参阅Ottoman empire)打败。从那时起,虽然他们仍保持为一个阶层,并继续运用其政治权力,但仅是影响埃及政治的几股势力之一。亦请参阅Baybars I。
English version:
Mamluk regime
Rule of Syria and Egypt that originated from the ranks of slave soldiers during the Ayyubid dynasty. The term is an Arabic word for slave. Slave soldiers had been used in the Islamic world since the 9th century; they often exploited the military power vested in them to seize control from the legitimate political authorities. Mamluk generals seized the throne on the death of the Ayyubid sultan Al-Malik al-Salih Ayyub (r. 1240-49). The Mamluks revived the caliphate in 1258 and patronized the rulers of Mecca and Medina. Under Mamluk rule the remaining crusaders were expelled from the eastern Mediterranean coast and the Mongols were driven back from Palestine and Syria. Culturally, they oversaw achievement in historical writing (see Ibn Khaldun) and architecture. A shift in their ethnic makeup from Turkish to Circassian corresponded with their slow decline; their failure to adopt field artillery as weapons except in siege warfare permitted their defeat by the Ottomans in 1517 (see Ottoman empire). From then on, though they remained intact as a class and continued to exercise political power, they were only one of several forces influencing Egyptian political life. See also Baybars I.