
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:55:08百科


Mahler, Gustav

奥匈帝国作曲家及指挥家。曾就读於维也纳音乐学校,随艾普斯坦(J. Epstein, 1832~1926)学习钢琴,後者曾不顾他的暴躁和傲慢鼓励他。他在以教书维生时在自己的课本上写出了他的第一部伟大的作品《怨歌》(1880)。1880年他决心要成为一名指挥家,虽然人们发现他专制的态度很难接受,评论家们仍然认为他的作品登峰造极。1886年在布拉格取得了成功。1888~1908年开始创作他的十部交响曲,成为其创作生涯中的传奇。1897年成为维也纳剧院的指挥,他那段风雷激荡的指挥时期,被认为是艺术家的成功。1908年转到大都会剧院,1909~1910年任纽约交响乐团指挥。因患心脏病和哀悼女儿的去世,写下了他的大师级作品《大地之歌》(1908~1909)和他的第九交响曲。他的管弦乐《少年魔角》(1892~1898)和《孩子们的死亡之歌》(1904)经常被人们演奏。他那充满强烈情感且细致的管弦乐曲,在数十年後被广泛接受。


Mahler, Gustav

Austro-Hungarian composer and conductor. Born in Bohemia, he attended the Vienna Conservatory, studying piano with Julius Epstein (1832-1926), who encouraged him despite his temperament and arrogance. He wrote his first large work, Das klagende Lied (1880), on his own text, as he was eking out an existence by giving lessons. In 1880 he decided to become a conductor, and though his dictatorial manner put people off and critics found his interpretations extreme, by 1886 he had achieved success in Prague. He also began the first of his ten symphonies (1888-1910), his main compositional legacy. In 1897 he was named director of the Vienna Opera; his stormy reign there was acknowledged as an artistic success. He moved to the Metropolitan Opera in 1908 and the New York Philharmonic in 1909-10. Ill with heart disease and mourning his daughter's death, he wrote the masterly orchestral song cycle Das Lied von der Erde (1908-9) and his ninth symphony. His orchestral songs Des Knaben Wunderhorn (1892-98) and Kindertotenlieder (1904) are frequently performed. His emotionally charged and subtly orchestrated music waited decades to be widely accepted.

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