司听觉(hearing)和平衡的器官。人类的耳分为外耳、中耳和内耳三部?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/220/254876.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>郑和舛ǘ屯舛馈V卸ü哪ぁ⒐氖摇⒀使墓芗疤」牵还哪の混锻舛赖撞浚时庾缎危还氖沂且缓涨唬混豆哪び肽诙獗谥洌谟刑」牵惶」俏腹恰⒄韫呛惋牍牵呦嗔商橇矗谎使墓艽庸氖仪氨谙蚯啊⒛凇⑾路酵ㄏ虮茄什啾冢士谝话愠时蘸献刺萄适惫芸诙倏箍掌牍氖乙员3止哪つ谕馄蛊胶狻D诙畈仂厄ü茄也浚匦淝视置月罚智巴ァ牍婀芎投先糠帧Iň占嵊赏舛来凉哪ぃ构哪ふ穸⒉橇吹恼穸言泊凹ざ巴ソ淄饬馨鸵罕湮翰ǎ翰ㄕ穸啄ぃ刮混痘啄ど系穆菪魇艽碳ぃ宥窬撂踔惺喽酢D诙辔?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/222/244854.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>平衡觉感受器,空间加速运动和身体的旋转运动可使半规管内的液体出现惯性迟滞,刺激毛细胞感受器;加速或旋转运动长时间刺激毛细胞後突然停止,会使人感到头晕目眩。最常见的进行性失聪的病因是耳硬化,可致卵圆窗上的镫骨固定,声波传导障碍;造成耳硬化的成因不明,但手术治疗的效果甚佳。先天性神经性耳聋是常见的内耳疾病,主要原因为耳蜗神经缺陷,目前尚无法治疗。此外,普通感冒会经由咽鼓管从鼻管扩散至中耳,尤常见於新生儿及儿童。亦请参阅deafness、otitis。
English version:
Organ of hearing and balance. The outer ear directs sound vibrations through the auditory canal to the eardrum, which is stretched across the end of the auditory canal and which transmits sound vibrations to the middle ear. There a chain of three tiny bones conducts the vibrations to the inner ear. Fluid inside the cochlea of the inner ear stimulates sensory hairs; these in turn initiate the nerve impulses that travel along the auditory nerve to the brain. The inner ear is also an organ of balance: the sensation of dizziness that is felt after spinning is caused when fluid inside the inner ear's semicircular canals continues to move and stimulate sensory hairs after the body has come to rest. The eustachian tube connects the middle ear with the nasal passages; that connection allows the common cold to spread from the nasal passages to the middle ear, especially in infants and small children. The most common cause of hearing loss is otosclerosis, a surgically correctable disease in which one of the bones of the middle ear loses its capacity to vibrate. See also deafness, otitis.
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