
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:52:27百科


King, Martin Luther, Jr.,原名Michael Luther King, Jr.。

美国民权运动领袖。生於亚特兰大,他在神学院念书时便信奉非暴力哲学。1954年按立为浸礼会牧师,成为亚利桑那蒙哥马利教堂的本堂牧师。1955年自波士顿大学获博士学位。他被选蒙哥马利改进协会领袖,由於该会的努力,很快的结束该市在公共运输上的隔离政策。1957年他组成南方基督教领袖会议,并发表全国性演说,积极倡导以非暴力来改善黑人的民权。1960年他回到亚特兰大,与他的父亲一起成为埃比尼泽浸礼会教堂本堂牧师。他因反对百货公司餐台的种族隔离政策而被逮捕,并被监禁;这个案子引起全国注意,在民主党总统候选人甘乃迪的调停下获释。1963年他协助组织「向华盛顿进军」(March on Washington),这次集会召集了逾200,000名抗议者,他还发表了名为「我有一个梦想」的演说。这次行动影响到1964年「民权法」的通过,金恩亦於1964年获诺贝尔和平奖。因号召大军前进亚利桑纳州的塞尔马的民权运动他屈服於州的军队,及改变芝加哥住房隔离政策的失败,使他在1965年受到批评。他发誓其关注将扩大到各种族的贫穷及反对越战。1968年他前往田纳西州孟菲斯,去支持清洁工的罢工行动;4月4日他遭雷伊暗杀身亡。1989~1990金恩的博士头衔成为争论焦点,有证据显示他的论文是剽窃来的。为纪念他,美国将一月的第三个星期一定为国定假日。


King, Martin Luther, Jr.

U.S. civil-rights leader. Born in Atlanta, he became an adherent of nonviolence philosophies while in college. Ordained a Baptist minister in 1954, he became pastor of a church in Montgomery, Ala. He received his doctorate from Boston University in 1955. He was selected to head the Montgomery Improvement Assn., whose efforts soon ended the city's public-transport segregation policies. In 1957 he formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and began lecturing nationwide, urging active nonviolence to achieve civil rights for blacks. In 1960 he returned to Atlanta to become copastor with his father of Ebenezer Baptist Church. He was arrested for protesting segregation at a lunch counter and jailed; the case drew national attention, and presidential candidate John F. Kennedy interceded to obtain his release. In 1963 King helped organize the March on Washington, an assembly of more than 200,000 protestors at which he made his famous “I have a dream” speech. The march influenced the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and King was awarded the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. In 1965 he was criticized from within the civil-rights movement for yielding to state troopers at a march in Selma, Ala., and failing in the effort to change Chicago's housing segregation policies. He broadened his advocacy to address the plight of the poor of all races and oppose the Vietnam War. In 1968 he went to Memphis, Tenn., to support a strike by sanitation workers; there on April 4, he was assassinated by James Earl Ray. King's doctorate became a subject of controversy in 1989-90, when evidence surfaced that showed King had plagiarized his dissertation. A U.S. national holiday is celebrated in King's honor on the third Monday in January.

本文标签: 金恩  


