1905年俄国革命(Russian Revolution of 1905)
俄国反对独裁政治政体的起义,但未成功。经过几年不断增长的不满後,和平的迹象也被沙皇尼古拉二世的军队在流血星期日进行屠杀而破灭。在圣彼得堡和其他工业城市相继进行大罢工。起义扩展到非俄罗斯人地区,包括波兰、芬兰和乔治亚。反革命团体,包括the Black Hundreds,对社会主义者激烈攻击,并对犹太人进行集体迫害,以此反对起义。1905年10月,大罢工扩展到所有大城市,工人委员会或是苏维埃(通常由孟什维克领导)成为革命政府。罢工的强大使得尼古拉二世接受了维特的提议,颁布了「十月宣言」,许诺成立被选举的政府。让步使得中等阶级满意了,但更多的激烈的革命者拒绝妥协,政体恢复权威性後,对波兰、乔治亚和其他地方的一群反抗进行了残酷镇压。虽然多数革命领袖包括托洛斯基被捕,革命迫使沙皇开始了比如新宪法和杜马的改革,但他没有完全实现各种曾许下的改革。
English version:
Russian Revolution of 1905
Unsuccessful uprising in Russia against the tsarist regime. After several years of mounting discontent, a peaceful demonstration was crushed by Tsar Nicholas II's troops in the Bloody Sunday massacre. General strikes followed in St. Petersburg and other industrial cities. The revolt spread to non-Russian parts of the empire, including Poland, Finland, and Georgia. Antirevolutionary groups, including the Black Hundreds, opposed the rebellion with violent attacks on socialists and pogroms against Jews. By October 1905, general strikes had spread to all the large cities, and the workers' councils or soviets, often led by the Mensheviks, became revolutionary governments. The strikes' magnitude convinced Nicholas II, advised by Sergey Witte, to issue the October Manifesto, promising an elected legislature. The concessions satisfied most moderates, though the more ardent revolutionaries refused to yield, and pockets of resistance in Poland, Georgia, and elsewhere were harshly suppressed as the regime restored its authority. While most of the revolutionary leaders, including Leon Trotsky, were arrested, the revolution forced the tsar to institute such reforms as a new constitution and a Duma, though he failed to adequately implement various promised reforms.