Augustus, Caesar,亦称屋大维(Octavian)。,原名Gaius Octavius。
後名Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
罗马帝国第一个皇帝。出身富裕家庭,十八岁时,过继给舅公凯撒。西元前44年凯撒被刺杀,经过一番权力角逐後,屋大维和其他两个劲敌(雷比达〔Lepidus〕和安东尼)形成後三头同盟(参阅triumvirate)。他们之间的战争仍持续进行,最後屋大维在西元前32年解决了雷比达,翌年在亚克兴战役打败安东尼(与埃及克丽奥佩脱拉联盟),成为唯一的统治者。他被奉为元首(pirnceps),罗马帝国据说就是从他即位开始。最初他是以执政官身分来统治,维持共和国的体制,但在西元前27年他接受了「奥古斯都」封号,西元前23年接受帝国政权。在位期间(西元前31~西元14年)改变了罗马人生活各方面,希腊罗马世界进入一段长时期的和平与繁荣时期。他保护帝国外部省份的安全,修筑道路和兴建公共工程,建立了罗马和平(Pax Romana)时期,并培育艺术。奥古斯都还矫正罗马人的道德风俗,甚至放逐她的女儿尤莉亚(Julia),原因是她通奸。在他死时,罗马帝国的范围西起伊比利半岛(Iberia),东到卡帕多西亚(Cappadocia),北从高卢,南达埃及。死後被奉为神明。
English version:
Augustus, Caesar
laterGaius Julius Caesar OctavianusFirst Roman emperor. Born to a wealthy family, he was named adoptive son and heir of his great-uncle Julius Caesar at 18. After Caesar's assassination (44 BC) a power struggle ensued, and after several battles he formed the Second Triumvirate with his chief rivals, Lepidus and Mark Antony. Continuing battles between the triumvirs ended with his disposing of Lepidus in 32 and Antony (now allied with Cleopatra) at the Battle of Actium in 31 to become sole ruler. He was anointed princeps; the Roman empire is said to begin with his accession. At first he ruled as consul, maintaining republican administration, but in 27 he accepted the title Augustus and in 23 he received imperial power. His rule (31 BC-AD 14) brought changes to every aspect of Roman life and lasting peace and prosperity to the Greco-Roman world. He secured outlying imperial provinces, built roads and public works, established the Pax Romana, and fostered the arts. He took steps to rectify Roman morality, even exiling his daughter Julia for adultery. When he died, the empire stretched from Iberia to Cappadocia and from Gaul to Egypt. He was deified after his death.