生物体对外在化学刺激的知觉过程,藉由特化的细胞(化学感受器〔chemoreceptor〕)?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/223/306724.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>粗苯踊蚣浣哟锎碳じ窬龀濉V苯哟镅断⒌纳窬赴莆跫陡惺芷鳎欢粤诮赴盏蓟疃拇碳げ从Φ姆巧窬赴莆渭陡惺芷鳌4蟛糠值?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/225/314840.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>哺乳动物都有这两类化学感受器,即味觉和嗅觉感受器。味觉感受器位於舌的味蕾中,系特化的上皮细胞,属於次级感受器。嗅觉感受器嵌在鼻腔顶部上皮内,属於初级感受器。水生动物和皮肤分泌黏液的陆生种类,几乎整个身体对化学物质都是敏感的。对许多动物而言,化学感受是它们接收周遭环境资讯最重要的手段,如觅食、动物种间的互相辨认和识别、找寻配偶和交配等,都靠化学物质传递讯息。
English version:
Sensory process by which organisms respond to external chemical stimuli, by employing specialized cells (chemoreceptors) that convert the stimuli directly or indirectly into nerve impulses. Chemoreceptors that are components of sensory neurons that directly convert chemical stimuli are termed primary receptors. So-called secondary receptors are not part of neurons but respond to stimulation by inducing activity in an adjacent neuron. Most mammals possess two classes of chemoreceptors: the primary receptors involved in smell and located in the epithelium of the nasal cavity, and the secondary receptors involved in taste and located in the tongue's taste buds. Aquatic animals and terrestrial species with mucus-secreting skins typically possess chemoreceptors all over the body. For many animals, chemoreception is the most important means of receiving information about their surrounding environment. Chemoreception plays roles in finding appropriate food and in reproductive behavior (see pheromones). It serves additional purposes in some animals, such as distinguishing members of the same community from outsiders.