
杂烩百科2023-02-02 15:54:02百科


美国西部一州。面积286,352平方公里。首府卡森城。布拉克罗克沙漠位於该州西北部。以科罗拉多河为其东南边界。人类在此定居已超过20,000年之久,史前人类居住於此的证据包括居住遗迹和rock art。早期居民包括肖肖尼人和派尤特人。在1843~1845年弗里蒙特和卡森的大探险和地图绘制完成前,已有西班牙传教士和毛皮商人分别於18世纪和1820年代来到此地。通过1848年的墨西哥让地,内华达归属美国,1850~1861年划归犹他准州。1859年发现维吉尼亚城蕴藏丰富银矿的康斯脱克银矿後,人口开始增加,於是内华达准州乃於1861年建立,并在1864年成为美国第36州。大萧条时期由於赌博合法化而开始转变为现代经济。胡佛水坝的建造帮助了内华达南部的经济发展。在1950年代该州成为原子能实验的主要测试地区。内华达的传统经济基础,矿业和农业,因政府活动和着重在拉斯维加斯、雷诺和塔霍湖等地观光业的发展而相形失色。人口约1,998,257(2000)。


State (pop., 1997 est.: 1,677,000), western U.S. It covers 110,561 sq mi (6286,353 sq km); its capital is Carson City. The Black Rock Desert is in the northwest; the Colorado River forms its extreme southeastern boundary. Human settlement in the area has spanned more than 20,000 years, and evidence of prehistoric inhabitants include dwelling remains and rock art. Early inhabitants included the Shoshone and Paiute Indians. Spanish missionaries in the 18th century and fur traders in the 1820s arrived before major exploration and mapping were done by J.C. Fremont and Kit Carson 1843-45. Nevada was part of the land ceded to the U.S. by Mexico in 1848 and was included in the Utah Territory (1850-61). Settlements increased after the discovery of the Comstock Lode, a rich silver deposit, at Virginia City in 1859. It became the Territory of Nevada in 1861 and the 36th U.S. state in 1864. It began its transition to a modern economy during the Great Depression when gambling was legalized. Construction of the Hoover Dam aided the economy of southern Nevada. In the 1950s the state became the main testing site for atomic-energy experiments. The traditional bases of its economy, mining and agriculture, are overshadowed by governmental activity and tourism, the latter centered on Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe.

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