
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:44:37百科


Hayes, Rutherford B(irchard)

美国第十九任总统(1877~1881)。曾在辛辛那提当律师,在几次逃亡奴隶案件中代表被告进行辩护,并加入新成立的共和党。在参加联邦军作战後,当选众议院议员(1865~1867),其後当选为俄亥俄州州长(1868~1872、1875~1876),以坚决主张发行有黄金储备可以兑现的通货而引起全国的注意。1876年他被提名为共和党总统候选人。他的对手民主党候选人狄尔登赢得较多的普选票数,但海斯的竞选经理争议有四州的计票有问题,後由一个特别选举委员会裁定,海斯就任总统。上台以後,信守在和解谈判期间对南方温和派所作的秘密保证(参阅Wormley Conference),把联邦军队撤出南方地区,结束了重建时期,并答应不干涉那里的选举,还确保回到白人民主党的优势地位。他以考绩为依据改革了文官制度,结果引发康克林与共和党内保守顽固派之间的争论。在1877年铁路大罢工中,海斯应州长们的请求,曾派联邦军队镇压罢工者。1880年拒绝再次被提名为总统候选人,退休後热心从事人道主义工作。


Hayes, Rutherford B(irchard)

19th president of the U.S. (1877-81). Born in Delaware, Ohio, he practiced law in Cincinnati, representing defendants in several fugitive-slave cases and becoming associated with the new Republican Party. After fighting in the Union army, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1865-67). As governor of Ohio (1868-72, 1875-76), he advocated a sound currency backed by gold. In 1876 he won the Republican nomination for president. His opponent, Samuel Tilden, won a larger popular vote, but Hayes's managers contested the electoral-vote returns in four states, and a special Electoral Commission awarded the election to Hayes. As part of a secret compromise reached with Southerners (see Wormley Conference), he withdrew the remaining federal troops from the South, ending Reconstruction, and promised not to interfere with elections there, ensuring the return of white Democratic supremacy. He introduced civil-service reform based on merit, incurring a dispute with Roscoe Conkling and the conservative “stalwart” Republicans. At the request of state governors, he used federal troops against strikers in the railroad strikes of 1877. Declining to run for a second term, he retired to work for humanitarian causes.


  • 丹尼斯·海斯——地球日之父生态安全
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