
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:44:33百科


正式名称哈萨克共和国(Republic of Kazakhstan)




Country, western central Asia. Area: 1,052,100 sq mi (2,724,900 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 16,554,000. Capital: Astana. Kazakhs, a Turkic-speaking people, the original inhabitants, are less than one-half the population; an equal number of Russians live there with small minorities of Germans and Ukrainians. Language: Kazakh (official), Russian. Religion: Islam (Sunnite). Currency: tenge. From the steppe and desert lands of western and central Kazakhstan, the country rises to high mountains in the southeast along the border with Kyrgyzstan and China. Its highest point is Mount Khan-Tengri, at 22,949 ft (6,995 m) high. It is intensively agriculturally developed, but much of the country's land area is used for pasture, with sheep and goats as the main livestock. Manufacturing includes cast iron and rolled steel; mining and oil drilling are also important. It is a republic with a parliament consisting of two chambers; its head of state and government is the president, assisted by the prime minister. Named for its earliest inhabitants, the Kazakhs, the area came under Mongol rule in the 13th century. The Kazakhs consolidated a nomadic empire in the 15th-16th century. Under Russian rule by the mid-19th century, it became part of the Kirgiz Autonomous Republic formed by the Soviets in 1920, and in 1925 its name was changed to the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Kazakhstan obtained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, and during the 1990s was attempting to stabilize its economy.


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本文标签: 哈萨克  


