
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:44:23百科


英美的哲学运动,其特点在於使用方法偏重语言及对其所表达观念的分析。分析哲学一般反对欧陆哲学(Continental philosophy),但其反对的意义在於公开强烈的质疑。分析哲学家们原本研究的课题是逻辑、语言、知识论和心灵哲学(philosophy of mind),但也把其观念应用到其他领域,如後设伦理学(参阅ethics)、形上学(metaphysics)和宗教哲学(philosophy of religion)。分析哲学传统源自英国的经验主义(empiricism),开始於20世纪初,由罗素(Bertrand Russell)、摩尔(G. E. Moore)和怀德海(Alfred North Whitehead)等人鼓吹。与维也纳学圈(Vienna Circle)、逻辑实证论(logical positirism)、弗雷格(Gottlob Frege)和维根斯坦早期的研究也有密切的关系。後来主要的贡献者包括艾尔(A. J. Ayer)、赖尔(Gilbert Ryle)、奎因(W. V. O. Quine)和奥斯汀(J. L. Austin)。

analytic philosophy

Philosophical tradition that defines the primary goal of philosophy to be analysis of concepts and of the language in which thoughts are expressed. A predominantly Anglo-American tradition, analytic philosophy is commonly opposed to Continental philosophy, but the significance of the opposition is open to serious doubt. Analytic philosophers primarily pursue issues in logic, language, epistemology, and the philosophy of mind, but apply their ideas to other topics, such as metaethics (see ethics), metaphysics, and the philosophy of religion. The tradition, which has its roots in British empiricism, began in the early 20th century, with work by G. E. Moore, Alfred North Whitehead, and Bertrand Russell. It also has strong connections to the Vienna Circle, logical positivism, Gottlob Frege, and the early work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Later major contributions include those of A. J. Ayer, Gilbert Ryle, W. V. O. Quine, and J. L. Austin.

本文标签: 分析哲学  


