
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:42:00百科


人类生殖的器官系统。女性的卵巢位置靠近输卵管的开口,输卵管将卵从卵巢带往子宫。子宫颈从子宫的下端延伸进入阴道,阴道的开口以及尿道的开口(参阅urinary bladder),是由四摺的皮肤(阴唇)覆盖;阴蒂是小型勃起器官,位於阴唇前方连接处。除了妊娠及哺乳期间之外,卵巢与子宫的活动在生育年龄每个月都有变化周期(参阅menstruation)。男性的睾丸在皮囊(阴囊)之中。细长的导管(输精管)将两个睾丸的精子引导至摄护腺里面的射精管;这些管连接到尿道,继续通过阴茎。在尿道中,精子与贮精囊、摄护腺及尿道球腺的分泌物混合,形成精液。胎儿早期的生殖系统并不确定。出生之後,生殖器官与其性别相称发育但是没有起作用。生殖器官继续发育到青春期时活动增加并成熟,方能行有性生殖。

reproductive system, human

Organ system by which humans reproduce. In females, the ovaries sit near the openings of the fallopian (uterine) tubes, which carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. The cervix extends from the lower end of the uterus into the vagina, whose opening, as well as that of the urethra (see urinary system), is covered by four folds of skin (the labia); the clitoris, a small erectile organ, is located where the labia join in front. The activity of the ovaries and uterus goes through a monthly cycle of changes (see menstruation) throughout the reproductive years except during pregnancy and nursing. In males, the testes lie in a sac of skin (the scrotum). A long duct (the vas deferens) leads from each testis and carries sperm to the ejaculatory ducts in the prostate gland; these join the urethra, which continues through the penis. In the urethra, sperm mixes with secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and Cowper's gland to form semen. In early embryos, the reproductive systems are undetermined. By birth the organs appropriate to each sex have typically developed but are not functioning. They continue to grow, and at puberty their activity increases and maturation occurs, enabling sexual reproduction.

本文标签: 人类生殖系统  


