南岛诸语言(Austronesian languages)
旧称马来-玻里尼西亚诸语言(Malayo-Polynesian languages)
约含一千两百种语言,通行於印尼、菲律宾、马达加斯加、太平洋群岛中南部(不包括新几内亚的大部分地区;参阅Papuan languages)、东南亚大陆的部分地区和台湾,使用人口超过两亿人。欧洲殖民扩张以前,它是通行范围最广的语系。此语系以起源来划分,把台湾的南岛语和其他语言分开,主要分为西马来-玻里尼西亚语和中东马来-玻里尼西亚语。西马来-玻里尼西亚语包括爪哇语,使用者约七千六百万人,占所有南岛语使用者的1/3。东马来-玻里尼西亚语包含大洋洲语(是南岛诸语言最明确的语支),并涵盖几乎所有的玻里尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚的语言。对南岛诸语进行分类概括很困难,因为此语言的数量多且差异大,尽管实?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/220/257653.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>识记飨蛩艚冢敢艉透ㄒ舳己苡邢蓿绕涫遣@锬嵛餮怯铩T醋远涎堑氖指逦淖旨锹急4媪斯抛ν塾锖驼加铮ㄕ计磐豕挠镅裕┑燃钢钟镅浴?/p>
English version:
Austronesian languages
Family of about 1,200 languages spoken by more than 200 million people in Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar, the central and southern Pacific island groups (except most of New Guinea; see Papuan languages), and parts of mainland S.East Asia and Taiwan. Before European colonial expansion, it had the widest territorial extent of any language family. A primary genetic division in the family separates the Austronesian languages of Taiwan from the remaining languages, which are divided into Western and Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian. Western Malayo-Polynesian includes Javanese, which is spoken by about 76 million people—more than a third of all Austronesian-speakers. Eastern Malayo-Polynesian includes Oceanic, the best-defined subgroup of Austronesian, comprising nearly all the languages of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Typological generalizations about Austronesian languages are difficult because of their enormous number and diversity, though content words tend to be disyllabic, and vowel and consonant inventories tend to be limited, especially in Polynesian. Written records in scripts of S.East Asian provenance (see Indic writing system) survive for several languages, including Old Javanese and Cham, the language of the kingdom of Champa.