
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:36:41百科


McClellan, George B(rinton)

美国将军。曾参加墨西哥战争并进行过军事工程调查。後来辞职到伊利诺中央铁路担任总工程师(1857),同时还担任俄亥俄州及密西西比州铁路的总经理(1860)。在美国南北战争期间,担任俄亥俄军区司令。他在西维吉尼亚击败了美利坚邦联南军并协助保卫了北军的肯塔基地区。1861年林肯任命他为总司令。他将军队重组为一支高效的队伍,但不善於采取进攻,於是林肯不得不发布第一号全面作战命令,号召全军挺进。麦克莱伦在半岛战役中作战谨慎,但是最後还是没能占领里奇蒙城。他在七天战役中犹豫不决,在安提坦战役中也未能打败李(R. E. Lee)的军队,於是林肯撤消了他的指挥权。1864年他代表民主党的总统候选人与林肯成为对手。1872~1877年担任大西洋和大西部铁路的总经理。


McClellan, George B(rinton)

U.S. Army officer. Born in Philadelphia, he served in the Mexican War and conducted military engineering surveys, then resigned to become chief of engineering for the Illinois Central Railroad (1857) and president of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad (1860). In the American Civil War he was named commander of the department of the Ohio. He defeated Confederate forces in western Virginia and helped keep Kentucky in the Union. Appointed general in chief by Abraham Lincoln (1861), he reorganized the army into an efficient force, but his lack of offensive action led Lincoln to issue his General War Order (1862) calling for forward movement of all armies. McClellan cautiously conducted the Peninsular Campaign but failed to take Richmond, and he fought indecisively in the Seven Days' Battles. At the Battle of Antietam he failed to destroy Robert E. Lee's army, and Lincoln removed him from command. In 1864 he was the Democratic candidate for president against Lincoln. He was president of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad 1872-77.

本文标签: 麦克莱伦  


